Bruce Harding
Bruce Harding is a gemstone cutter and mechanical design engineer and mathematician. He received the Lapidary Award of the Eastern Federation of the Mineralogical and Lapidary Society in 1975. That same year, in an article on "Faceting Limits" in Gems and Gemology, the magazine of the Gemological Institute of America, he identified the effect of an observer's head blocking rays of illumination for the main facets of a number of gem materials, including diamonds.[1] In 1986 Harding developed one of the earliest software programs to perform ray path analysis. Harding was a speaker at the International Diamond Cut Conference (IDCC) in Moscow in 2004.[2]
A translator of "Angewandte Getribelehre" to "Applied Kinematics", McGraw-Hill 1967.
Translator of Russian to "Optimizing Faceting for Beauty", British 'Journal of Gemmology', Jan.2004.
U.S. valve patents 4,326,754 & 4,632,140A.
Further reading
- Gemology articles
- Diamond Design Revisited
- Fractioning of Color by a Gem
- Cutting Ovals
- Scallops
- Grading the Princess Cut
- "Orientation of Optical Effects in Cabochons", 'Vestnik Gemmologii', No.10, 2003 (in Russian)
- Articles in circa 1973-1980 issues of: "Lapidary Journal" & "Rock & Gem Magazine".
- Mechanical engineering−mathematics articles
- "A Derivation of Grashov's Law", Mechanical Engineering News, circa 1960 — uses an interesting manipulation of absolutes and inequalities.
- "Hesitation", ASME Kinematics Conference 1964 — shows approximate dwells in mechanisms and theory of consecutive zero derivatives; discusses analysis of 'chain derivatives' in composite mechanisms and motions.
- "Inverse Derivatives", Mechanical Engineering News, circa 1965 — uses dimensional notation and showed usefulness on inverse functions.
- "Proposed System for Notation and Classification of the Four-bar Linkage", ASME Paper 57F28 (1957).