List of birds of Oregon

This list of Oregon birds lists wild bird species found in the U.S. state of Oregon and accepted by the Oregon Rare Birds Committee.[1] As of July 2017, there are 536 species on the list. Of them, 153 are on the review list (see below). Eight species have been introduced to Oregon or elsewhere in North America and three have been extirpated from the state.

Bird counts often change depending on factors such as the number and training of the observers, as well as opinions about what constitutes an officially recognized subspecies. Though northern climes typically do not support as many species as southerly locations, Oregon is fifth in bird species diversity in the United States, behind Florida, New Mexico, Texas and California.[2] This amount of diversity is attributable to Oregon's numerous distinctive ecoregions and relatively mild winter weather, which make it an important wintering ground for migratory bird species, especially waterfowl, on the Pacific Flyway.

Another result of the state's varying ecology is the 120 Important Bird Areas, such as the Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve, that are recognized as important conservation sites for birds.[3] Many of these dedicated wildlife refuges have become meccas for birding enthusiasts, and Oregon has participated in formally organized birding activities such as the Christmas Bird Count since the early 1900s.[4] Other areas are closed to human access but are very popular with birds, such as Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge which spans some 250 miles (400 km) of the Oregon Coast.

As an important U.S. region of bird diversity, Oregon has faced some serious challenges in protecting endangered and threatened avian species. In addition to high profile, threatened species such as the northern spotted owl and snowy plover, even many common species—including Oregon's state bird, the western meadowlark—have declined considerably due to hunting, habitat loss and other factors.[5]

This list is presented in the taxonomic sequence of the Check-list of North American Birds, 7th edition through the 58th Supplement, published by the American Ornithological Society (AOS).[6][7] Common and scientific names are also those of the Check-list.

Unless otherwise noted, all species listed below are considered to occur regularly in Oregon as permanent residents, summer or winter visitors, or migrants. These tags are used to annotate some species:

Order Anseriformes

Family Anatidae

Black-bellied whistling-duck
Subfamily Dendrocygninae
Canada goose
Subfamily Anserinae
Wood duck
Falcated duck
Ring-necked duck
Subfamily Anatinae

Order Galliformes

Mountain quail

Family Odontophoridae

Family Phasianidae

Subfamily Phasianinae
Subfamily Tetraoninae
Subfamily Meleagridinae

Order Podicipediformes

Western grebe

Family Podicipedidae

Order Columbiformes

Mourning dove

Family Columbidae

Order Cuculiformes

Family Cuculidae

Subfamily Cuculinae
Subfamily Neomorphinae

Order Caprimulgiformes

Family Caprimulgidae

Subfamily Chordeilinae
Subfamily Caprimulginae

Order Apodiformes

Family Apodidae

Subfamily Cypseloidinae
Subfamily Chaeturinae
Subfamily Apodinae

Family Trochilidae

Subfamily Trochilinae

Order Gruiformes

Family Rallidae

Family Gruidae

Subfamily Gruinae

Order Charadriiformes

American avocet
Black oystercatcher
Snowy plover
Pectoral sandpiper
Long-billed dowitcher
Greater yellowlegs
Pomarine jaeger
Tufted puffin
Black-headed gull
Herring gull
Glaucous-winged gull

Family Recurvirostridae

Family Haematopodidae

Family Charadriidae

Subfamily Charadriinae

Family Scolopacidae

Subfamily Numeniinae
Subfamily Limosinae
Subfamily Arenariinae
Subfamily Scolopacinae
Subfamily Tringinae

Family Stercorariidae

Family Alcidae

Family Laridae

Subfamily Larinae
Subfamily Sterninae
Subfamily Rynchopinae

Order Phaethontiformes

Family Phaethontidae

Order Gaviiformes

Red-throated loon

Family Gaviidae

Order Procellariiformes

Short-tailed albatross
Northern fulmar

Family Diomedeidae

Family Procellariidae

Family Hydrobatidae

Order Suliformes

Blue-footed booby
Brandt's cormorant

Family Fregatidae

Family Sulidae

Family Phalacrocoracidae

Order Pelecaniformes

Great blue heron
Green heron

Family Pelecanidae

Family Ardeidae

Family Threskiornithidae

Subfamily Threskiornithinae

Order Cathartiformes

Family Cathartidae

Order Accipitriformes


Family Pandionidae

Subfamily Pandioninae

Family Accipitridae

Subfamily Accipitrinae

Order Strigiformes

Snowy owl
Spotted owl

Family Tytonidae

Family Strigidae

Order Coraciiformes

Family Alcedinidae

Subfamily Cerylinae

Order Piciformes

Red-breasted sapsucker
American three-toed woodpecker

Family Picidae

Subfamily Picinae

Order Falconiformes

American kestrel

Family Falconidae

Subfamily Falconinae

Order Passeriformes

Least flycatcher
Cassin's kingbird
Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Yellow-throated vireo
Steller's jay
American crow
Barn swallow
Black-capped chickadee
Rock wren
American dipper
Western bluebird
Varied thrush
Cedar waxwing
White wagtail
Black-and-white warbler
Prothonotary warbler
Yellow warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
Scarlet tanager
Lark sparrow
Fox sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Rose-breasted grosbeak

Family Tyrannidae

Subfamily Fluvicolinae
Subfamily Tyranninae

Family Laniidae

Family Vireonidae

Family Corvidae

Family Alaudidae

Family Hirundinidae

Subfamily Hirundininae

Family Paridae

Family Aegithalidae

Family Sittidae

Subfamily Sittinae

Family Certhiidae

Subfamily Certhiinae

Family Troglodytidae

Family Polioptilidae

Subfamily Polioptilinae

Family Cinclidae

Family Regulidae

Family Sylviidae

Family Muscicapidae

Family Turdidae

Family Mimidae

Family Sturnidae

Family Bombycillidae

Family Ptiliogonatidae

Family Passeridae

Family Motacillidae

Family Fringillidae

Subfamily Fringillinae
Subfamily Carduelinae

Family Calcariidae

Family Emberizidae

Family Passerellidae

Family Icteriidae

Family Icteridae

Family Parulidae

Family Cardinalidae


  1. "Official Checklist of Oregon Birds - July 2017" (PDF). Oregon Bird Records Committee. July 2017. Retrieved 21 July 2017.
  2. Marshall, David B.; Hunter, Matthew G.; Contreras, Alan L. (2006). Birds of Oregon: A General Reference. Oregon State University Press. ISBN 0-87071-182-2.
  3. "Important Bird Areas". Audubon Society of Portland. Retrieved January 12, 2009.
  4. Stahlberg, Mike (January 10, 2000). "Faithful Oregon birders carry on annual census begun 100 years ago". The Seattle Times. The Seattle Times Company. Retrieved January 12, 2009.
  5. "Common yard birds disappearing in Oregon". The Seattle Times. The Seattle Times Company. June 16, 2007. Retrieved January 12, 2009.
  6. American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds. 7th edition. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
  7. R. Terry Chesser, Kevin J. Burns, Carla Cicero, Jon L. Dunn, Andrew W. Kratter, Irby J. Lovette, Pamela C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen, Jr., James D. Rising, Douglas F. Stotz, and Kevin Winker. "Fifty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds ".The Auk 2017, vol. 134:751-773 retrieved 7 July 2017

See also

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