
A bioregion is an ecologically and geographically defined area that is smaller than an ecozone, but larger than an ecoregion or an ecosystem, in WWF classification scheme. There is also an attempt to use the term in a rank-less generalist sense, similar to the terms "biogeographic area" or "biogeographic unit".[1]

It may be conceptually similar to an ecoprovince.[2]

It is also differently used in the environmentalist context, being coined by Berg and Dasmann (1977).[3][4]

WWF bioregions

The WWF scheme further subdivides the ecozones into bioregions, defined as "geographic clusters of ecoregions that may span several habitat types, but have strong biogeographic affinities, particularly at taxonomic levels higher than the species level (genus, family)." The WWF bioregions are as follows:

See also


  1. Vilhena, D., Antonelli, A. (2015). A network approach for identifying and delimiting biogeographical regions. Nature Communications 6, 6848, .
  3. Berg, P. and Dasmann, R. (1977). Reinhabiting California. The Ecologist 7 (10): 399-401.
  4. Miller, K. 1999. What is bioregional planning?. In: R. Crofts, E. Maltby, R. Smith and L. Maclean (eds). Integrated Planning: International Perspectives. Battleby, Scotland 7–9 April 1999: IUCN & Scottish Natural Heritage.
  5. Dinerstein, E., Olson, D. Graham, D.J. et al. (1995). A Conservation Assessment of the Terrestrial Ecoregions of Latin America and the Caribbean. World Bank, Washington DC., .

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