Binary object

Binary objects (BO or binary large object = BLOB) are digital files from photos, graphics, films, sounds or any binary data in specific formats. There are many types of file converter and some of them are jpeg and gif as many people know it for. They have three steps is binary object that they work and they are: upload of binary object, metadata definition or import and data import data. Upload of binary objects can be standard formats. Image holds their data that they have been saved and they are usually separated of how the user uploads the image. Metadata definition or import locates the Binary object related to binary object as they have been organized. If they find a data that they are suitable in they will be ready for next process. Data import data sets title, principal investigator, method, and comment and references is needed in the process. Then the binary object can be added as pdf or txt file.


The Whitebeam system uses binary object. They are aimed to reduce the development cost of the web application and make the coding easier. They use XML pages that have embedded javascript. This website helps the designers and clients understanding HTML and java script as well as developing their website. This class is used to encapsulate ‘foreign’ data as they contain only data limited memory. Binary object is used for containing file such as web browser. There are two ways binary object can be created and they are using the new Java script operation. Other is to be created by the operations within the system. The binary object allows sending file by using post method. It sends the file and encoded to the application. Public and private fields of the object and the name of the class, including the assembly containing the class, are converted to a stream of bytes, which is then written to a data stream. These commands are how the binary object can be used in the situation. The method is called the “post” and enctype which must be multipart or form-data. The Whitebeam is designed to be scalable and allows capacity the data center to extend by addition of New Font-Endprocessor (FEP). FEP must be identical to be able to function. Also they are binary objects that are used on such as basic serialization, selective serialization, and custom serialization.[1]

File types/MIME types of BO





MPEG-4 im container -.mp4 (ISO/IEC-14496) seismic



Basic serialization how to use the binary and SOAP formatters to serialize objects and the examples below shows the example format of the javacode. As seen below all the program needs is creating a stream and formatter intended to use.[2]

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.n1 = 1;
obj.n2 = 24;
obj.str = "Some String";
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
Stream stream = new FileStream("MyFile.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
formatter.Serialize(stream, obj);

Next is Selective serialization. When class is deserialized, thread stored in the id that was held will not work.[2]

Example 1

public class MyObject 
  public int n1;
  [NonSerialized] public int n2;
  public String str;

Finally the custom serialization involves implementing GetObectData method and special conductor that is used when object is deserialized. The following example is shown below.[2]

Example 2

public class MyObject : ISerializable 
  public int n1;
  public int n2;
  public String str;

  public MyObject()

  protected MyObject(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    n1 = info.GetInt32("i");
    n2 = info.GetInt32("j");
    str = info.GetString("k");
  public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    info.AddValue("i", n1);
    info.AddValue("j", n2);
    info.AddValue("k", str);


  1. Whitebeam. (2012).
  2. 1 2 3 MSDN
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