Bibliography of South America

This bibliography of South America is a list of English-language nonfiction books which have been described by reliable sources as in some way directly relating to the subject of South America, its history, geography, culture, people, etc.


  1. Parks, D. R. (April 2005). "The Languages of the Andes". Choice. Middletown: 1368–1369. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  2. Dym, Jordana (April 2009). "Sovereignty and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic". European History Quarterly. London: 310. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  3. Asante, Molefi Kete (Winter 2005). "Marvels of the African World: African Cultural Patrimony, New World Connections and Identities". Research in African Literatures. Bloomington: 238–239. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  4. Bektas, Yakup (October 2005). "The European Cable Companies in South America before the First World War". Technology and Culture. Chicago: 828–830. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  5. De La Pedraja, Rene (Autumn 2004). "The European Cable Companies in South America before the First World War". Business History Review. Boston: 569–571. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  6. "My invented country: a nostalgic journey through Chile". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  7. Wright, Jonathan (October 2007). "Pantanal: South America's Wetland Jewel". Geographical. London: 88. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  8. 1 2 3 Maxwell, Kenneth (November–December 1997). "Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life". Foreign Affairs. New York: 168–169. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  9. Frum, David (December 1988). "Armstrong, Christopher and Nelles, HV. Southern Exposure // Review". Saturday Night. Toronto: 78–79+. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  10. "The trail to Titicaca: a journey through South America". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  11. "Tango: creation of a cultural icon". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  12. Peterson, Tom (March 1994). "Recensions/reviews -- Revolution in the Americas by Barry H. Barlow". Canadian Journal of Political Science. Toronto: 189–190. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  13. "Narrative of the Incas". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  14. Anna, Timothy E. (April 1992). "Latin America -- The Cambridge History of Latin America (Volume VIII) edited by Leslie Bethell". Canadian Journal of History. Saskatoon: 163–165. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  15. "The rise and fall of slavery in the Americas: Slavery, Emancipation and Human Rights". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  16. Cox, G. P. (February 2010). "Under the Flags of Freedom: Slave Soldiers and the Wars of Independence in Spanish South America". Choice. Middletown: 240–241. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  17. Sanders, James E. (April 2009). "Under the Flags of Freedom: Slave Soldiers and the Wars of Independence in Spanish South America". The American Historical Review. Washington: 459. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  18. "East to the Amazon: in search of Great Paititi and the trade routes of the ancients". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  19. "The Bolivarian revolution". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  20. Brass, D. A. (September 2009). "The South American Camelids". Choice. Middletown: 138. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  21. "Gringo: coming of age in Latin America". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  22. Elling, Karl A. (Spring 1995). "Economic Integration in the Western Hemisphere". Review of Business. Jamaica: 43. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  23. Morris, M. A. (September 2009). "Brazilian foreign policy after the Cold War". Choice. Middletown: 192. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  24. "Giant steps: an American odyssey from Punta Arenas to the edge of Alaska". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  25. "Road fever: a high-speed travelogue". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  26. Campbell, Lyle (March 2003). "On South American Indian languages". Journal of Linguistics. Cambridge: 141–146. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  27. "The accidental president of Brazil". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  28. "Che's afterlife: the legacy of an image". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  29. Maxwell, Kenneth (September–October 1999). "Free Markets, Open Societies, Closed Borders? Trends in International Migration and Immigration Policy in the Americas". Foreign Affairs. New York: 175–176. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  30. 1 2 Morrison, Philip (January 1991). "Books -- A Neotropical Companion by John C. Kricher / Rainforests: A Guide to Tourist Facilities in Selected Tropical Forest Sites in Central and South America by James L. Castner". Scientific American. New York: 124. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  31. "Lost cities & ancient mysteries of South America". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  32. "Chilies to chocolate: food the Americas gave the world". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  33. "Hopes and prospects". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  34. "Thy will be done: the conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the age of oil". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  35. Smart, Alan (Fall 2007). "Law and Disorder in the Postcolony". Journal of Anthropological Research. Albuquerque: 420. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  36. 1 2 Martz, John D. (Summer 1997). "Toward the reconstruction of democracy". Studies in Comparative International Development. New Brunswick: 105–121. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  37. Rochman, Hazel (1 October 2007). "In the Land of the Jaguar: South America and Its People". The Booklist. Chicago: 44. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  38. "The history of the Mormons in Argentina". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  39. Phillips, William D., Jr. (November 2008). "Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave Trade". The Hispanic American Historical Review. Durham: 729. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  40. Pybus, Cassandra (April 2009). "Black Townsmen: Urban Slavery and Freedom in the Eighteenth-Century Americas". The William and Mary Quarterly. Williamsburg: 461. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  41. "Voyage of the Beagle". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  42. Bechtloff, Dagmar (November 2007). "South American Independence: gender, politics, text". Journal of Gender Studies. Hull: 298. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  43. "A dog's history of America: how our best friend explored, conquered, and settled a continent". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  44. Kraay, Hendrick (December 2000). "Las Derechas: The Extreme Right in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, 1890–1939". Canadian Journal of History. Saskatoon: 608–610. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  45. "Bones: discovering the first Americans". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  46. Borrero, Luis Alberto (June 2004). "The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory". American Anthropologist. Washington: 404–405. doi:10.1525/aa.2004.106.2.404. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  47. Maxwell, Kenneth (July–August 1997). "Constructing Democratic Governance: South America in the 1990s". Foreign Affairs. New York: 159. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  48. Peritore, N. Patrick (Summer 1997). "Labor Movements and Dictatorships: The Southern Cone in Comparative Perspective". The Journal of Developing Areas. Nashville: 582–584. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  49. "The shaman's quest: journeys in an ancient spiritual practice". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  50. "Dwyer, Augusta. Into The Amazon: Chico Mendes And The Struggle For The Rain Forest // Review". Maclean's. Toronto: 36. 25 June 1990. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  51. Howell, Nancy (February 1991). "Book reviews -- The Population Dynamics of the Mucajai Yanomama by John D. Early and John F. Peters". The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. Toronto: 151–152. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  52. Rozman, S. L. (March 2005). "Politics beyond the capital: the design of subnational institutions in South America". Choice. Middletown: 1299. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  53. Beer, Caroline (Winter 2005–2006). "Politics Beyond the Capital: The Design of Subnational Institutions in South America". Political Science Quarterly. New York: 720–721. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  54. "Empires of the Atlantic world: Britain and Spain in America, 1492–1830". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  55. Maxwell, Kenneth (November–December 1996). "Beyond Sovereignty: Collectively Defending Democracy in the Americas". Foreign Affairs. New York: 159–160. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  56. Maxwell, Kenneth (November–December 1997). "Summitry in the Americas". Foreign Affairs. New York: 168–169. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  57. "The Americas: a hemispheric history". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  58. Rosenberg, Gary H. (July 2010). "Pirates of the Americas: v. 1: 1650–1685; v. 2 - 1686–1725". The Auk. Washington: 717–718. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  59. "Juan Ponce de Leon and the Spanish discovery of Puerto Rico and Florida". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  60. "Soccer in sun and shadow". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  61. Delgado, R. A. (June 2009). "South American primates: comparative perspectives in the srudy of behavior, ecology, and conservation". Choice. Middletown: 1966. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  62. "Clandestine in Chile: the adventures of Miguel Littin". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  63. DeIuliis, Gerardo (December 2009). "Mammals of South America". The Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore: 426. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  64. DiFranco, C. M. (April 2009). "Translation and identity in the Americas: new directions in translation theory". Choice. Middletown: 1493. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  65. "Extreme natural disasters". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  66. Stipek, Kathleen (1–15 January 2009). "Historical Dictionary of Ancient South America". The Booklist. Chicago: 125. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  67. "The life of Eva Peron". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  68. "The remarkable life of William Beever: explorer and naturalist". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  69. "Traveling with Che Guevara: the making of a revolutionary". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  70. Watson, Douglas (February 1997). "Silent Revolution: The Rise of Market Economics in Latin America". Current History. Philadelphia: 89–90. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  71. Simpson, Bradley R. (Summer 2009). "U.S. Presidents and Latin American Interventions: Pursuing Regime Change in the Cold War". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. Cambridge: 136. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  72. "The motorcycle diaries: a journey around South America". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  73. "Young Che: memories of Che Guevara by his father". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  74. "Off the map: a journey through the Amazonian wild". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  75. Strauss, A. M. (September 2010). "Emerging space powers: the new space programs of Asia, the Middle East, and South America". Choice. Middletown: 115. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  76. Harris, M. K. (May 2007). "Encyclopedia of South American aquatic insects: Odonata - Anisoptera: illustrated keys to known families, genera, and species in South America". Choice. Middletown: 1508. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  77. "Two wheels through terror: diary of a South American motorcycle odyssey". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  78. "The road to Gobblers Knov: From Chile to Alaska on a motorbike". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  79. Basso, Ellen B. (April 2005). "Comparative Arawakan Histories: Rethinking Language Family and Culture Area in Amazonia". International Journal of American Linguistics. Chicago: 230–232. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  80. "The fever trail: in search of the cure for malaria". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  81. "Valverde's gold: in search of the last great Inca treasure". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  82. Trachtman, Paul (April 1997). "Savages". Smithsonian. Wasahington: 135–139. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  83. "Savages". The Economist. London: S4–S5. 20 July 1996. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  84. "Ancient American civilizations". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  85. George, Paul (July–August 1989). "Kelly, Philip & Jack Child. Geopolitics Of The Southern Cone And Antarctica // Review". International Perspectives. Ottawa: 32. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  86. "The Spanish conquest of the Inca empire". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  87. "Revolution!: South America and the rise of the new left". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  88. Sanabria, Harry (April 1996). "Book reviews -- Ethnicity, Markets and Migration in the Andes: At the Crossroads of History and Anthropology". The Journal of Developing Areas. Nashville: 395–. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  89. Fukuyama, Francis (March–April 1997). "Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe". Foreign Affairs. New York: 173–174. Retrieved 26 April 2013.
  90. Fleming, Theodore H. (December 2007). "Mammals of South America". The Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore: 429. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  91. Delgadillo, Roberto C. (April 2010). "San Martin: Argentine Soldier, American Hero". The Journal of Military History. Lexington: 586–587. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  92. "Simon Bolivar". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  93. Becker, M. (May 2007). "Simon Bolivar: a life". Choice. Middletown: 1588–1589. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  94. Hooper, Brad (1–15 June 2006). "Simon Bolivar: a life". The Booklist. Chicago: 28. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  95. "Argentina: what went wrong". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  96. "White mischief: a cultural history of cocaine". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  97. "Angels and rabies: a journey through the Americas". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  98. Arnade, C. W. (January 2007). "The Crisis of democratic representation in the Andes". Choice. Middletown: 899. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  99. Martz, John D. (Winter 1995). "Issues in Democratic Consolidation: The New South American Democracies in Comparative Perspective". Studies in Comparative International Development. New Brunswick: 90–. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  100. Sheinin, David (April 1998). "A visit to the Ranquel Indians". Canadian Journal of History. Saskatoon: 135–137. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  101. Rozman, S. L. (September 2010). "The politics of cocaine: how U.S. policy has created a thriving drug industry in Central and South America". Choice. Middletown: 182. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  102. Carbone, Jerry (1–15 January 2006). "Historic Cities of the Americas: An Illustrated Encyclopedia". The Booklist. Chicago: 152. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  103. Svitavsky, W. L. (August 2010). "Pirates of the Americas: v. 1: 1650–1685; v. 2 - 1686–1725". Choice. Middletown: 2303. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  104. Rhodes, J. A. (May 2007). "Militarist peace in South America: conditions for war and peace". Choice. Middletown: 1600–1601. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  105. "The history of Peru". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  106. "The cloud forest: a chronicle of the South American wilderness". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  107. "The Burial Brothers". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  108. "The Incas: new perspectives". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  109. Anonymous (11 July 2005). "The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey". Publishers Weekly. New York: 69–70. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  110. "Along the Inca Road: a woman's journey into an ancient empire". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  111. "The middler passage: the Caribbean revisited". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  112. "On shaky ground". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  113. Bechtloff, Dagmar (November 2008). "From Capture to Sale: The Portuguese Slave Trade to Spanish South America in the Early Seventeenth Century". The Hispanic American Historical Review. Durham: 730. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  114. Sanchez-Cordero, Victor (March 2009). "Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America". The Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore: 95. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  115. Smalley, T. N. (February 2006). "Elections in the Americas: a data handbook: v.1:North America, Central America, and the Caribbean; v.2: South America". Choice. Middletown: 994. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  116. Kricher, J. C. (January 2010). "The age of dinosaurs in South America". Choice. Middletown: 920. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  117. Cox, G. P. (February 2010). "The emperor's last campaign: a Napoleanic empire in America". Choice. Middletown: 1133. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  118. Miller, T. E. (September 2005). "The chrysanthemum and the song: music, memory, and identity in the South American Japanese diaspora". Choice. Middletown: 143. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  119. Rahkonen, Carl (July 2006). "The Chrysanthemum and the Song: Music, Memory, and Identity in the South American Japanese Diaspora". Music Library Association. Notes. Philadelphia: 987–989. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  120. Yano, Christine R. (February 2006). "The Chrysanthemum and the Song: Music, Memory, and Identity in the South American Japanese Diaspora". The Journal of Asian Studies. Ann Arbor: 197. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  121. "Indian captivity in Spanish America: frontier narratives". Novelist Plus. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  122. Lansky, Mark A. (2000). "Health in the Americas: 1998 edition". International Labour Review. Geneva: 103. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
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  126. Hu-DeHart, Evelyn (April 2007). "Successful professional women of the Americas: from polar winds to tropical breezes". Choice. Middletown: 1384. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  127. "Conservation of neotropical forests: working from traditional resource use //Review". Alternatives. Waterloo: 39–40. November 1993. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  128. Mondor, Colleen (1 May 2010). "The Last of the Tribe: The Epic Quest to Save a Lone Man in the Amazon". The Booklist. Chicago: 68–69. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  129. Pollard, C. J. (July 2007). "Birds of northern South America: an identification guide: v.1: Species accounts; v.2: Plates and maps". Choice. Middletown: 1889. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  130. Martin, G. J. (January 2005). "Cartographica extraordinaire: the historical map transformed". Choice. Middletown: 907. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
  131. Golinski, Jan (June 2010). "Measuring the New World: Enlightenment Science and South America". The Journal of Modern History. Chicago: 438. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
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