

Metal Sculpture of Goddess Bhudevi
Affiliation Devi,Lakshmi
Consort Varaha (Vishnu)

Bhūmi or Bhūmī-Devī is the Hindu goddess representing Mother Earth. She is the fertility and patience form of Mahalakshmi, the consort of the boar god Varaha, an avatar of Vishnu,. She is also the mother of the demon Narakasura.[1] Bhumi is the daughter of Kashyap Prajapati.

She is known by various names such as Bhuma-Devi, Bhuvati, , Martyaa lakshmi, Bhuvaani, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhuvanendri, Bhuvisha, Avaani, Avni, Avanendri, Prithvi, Dharti, Dhaatri, Dharani, Vasudha, Vasundhara, Vaishnavi, Kashyapi, Urvi, Urvisha, Urvishi/Urvishwari, Urvivati, Ira, Iravati, Iravaani, Ela, Elavati, Elavaani, Vasumati, Dhanshika, Hema, Hemavati, Hemaalaya, Hemamaalini, and Hiranmaya. She is depicted as seated on a platform which rests on the back of four elephants, representing the four directions of the world. She is usually depicted with four arms, holding a pomegranate, a water vessel, a bowl containing healing herbs and another containing vegetables.[2] She is also sometimes depicted with two hands, one holding a blue lotus known as Kumuda or Utpala, the night lotus, and in the right hand and the left hand may be in the Abhaya Mudra, fearlessness or the Lolahasta Mudra which is an aesthetic pose meant to mimic the tail of a horse.[3][4].


  1. "Killing of Narakasura".
  2. Elements of Hindu Iconography by T.A.G. Rao Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (January 1997) ISBN 81-208-0876-2
  3. The Illustrated Dictionary of Hindu Iconography by Margaret Stutley Page 82 ISBN 81-215-1087-2 Published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2003
  4. A. G. Mitchell; Victoria and Albert Museum (1982). Hindu gods and goddesses. United Kingdom: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. p. 8.
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