Bhone Manzebta
Bhone Manzabta is a village and union council in Okara District, Punjab, Pakistan. It is part of Depalpur Tehsil. Bhone Manzebta situated equi-distant between Basirpur and Hujra Shahmuqeem.
Bhone Manzebta village is of considerable antiquity and is located near Behlolpur.sardar noor ahmad dogar was first sardar of this village .Sardar Ali Haider Khan Wattoo is the Nazim Chairman of the Union Council. It has two access roads. One issues from Basirpur-Depalpur road at Thokar Gama Wahgra and passes through villages Dhabby and Somian Bholo. The other issues from Hujra-Haveli road at the point of Paeray Wala. The population is predominantly agriculturist . The village is inhabited by Dogars(noordogar) who migrated to the village from India on the eve of partition. Sardar Des Muhammad Dogar was a notable of the village who died in the year 2004. His son Ahmad Hassan Dogar is currently Naib Nazim/Vice Chairman of the Union Council.Mushtaq Ahmad Kallia Advocate belongs to the village paeray wala.Mr. Mushtaq is the grand son of Ahmad Din Kallia.
Sardar Ahmad Deen khan wattoo: the old kissan membar of union council bnone manzabta 71. Muhib ali wattoo:sardar khalid hassan dogar kissan member . every year agen of this union council bnone menzebta. in2016 the seretary of u\c not attend his office and build temporary office in chorasta mian kha so, it is not good for peoples.
Mr. Shahid Hassan Kamboh was nominated chairman for this union council in Baldyati election 2015. He belong to Jhugian Mehrook. His supporters were Sharaft Ali Naz, Istikhar Ali Sajid, Abrar Hussain and many others who belong to Jhugian Mehrook.