Beuron Archabbey

View of the Archabbey in 2009
Benedictine arch Abbot Schober in Prelate Dress and Cappa Magna

Beuron Archabbey (in German Erzabtei Beuron, otherwise Erzabtei St. Martin; in Latin Archiabbatia Sancti Martini Beuronensis) is a major house of the Benedictine Order located at Beuron in the upper Danube valley in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.

It was founded in 1863 by the brothers Maurus and Placidus Wolter, in buildings which until 1802 had housed an Augustinian monastery. Between 1875 and 1887 because of political conditions during the "Kulturkampf" ("cultural struggle") the monks had to leave the abbey, but used the opportunity to found new communities elsewhere, which afterwards joined together under the leadership of Beuron as the Beuronese Congregation within the Benedictine Confederation.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the Beuron Art School, with its emphasis on early Christian and Byzantine art, was influential on religious art of the period. One of the biggest exhibits of this type of art in the United States is at Conception Abbey in Missouri which was founded on principles established by Beuron.

The abbey continues to be a centre of study. The library is the largest monastic library in Germany, with over 400,000 books. Since 1884 the abbey has published the Missale Romanum, a lay missal originally produced by Father Anselm Schott of Beuron. The abbey also houses the Vetus-Latina-Institut (Ancient Latin Institute), which has for its purpose the collection and publication of all extant old Latin translations of the Bible.

Archabbots since 1863

  1. Maurus (Rudolf) Wolter from Bonn (1825–1890): Founder prior 1863, Abbot 1868–1890, Archabbot since 1885
  2. Placidus (Ernst) Wolter from Bonn, the founders brother (1828–1908): 1890–1908
  3. Ildefons (Friedrich) Schober from Pfullendorf (1849–1918): 1908–1917
  4. Raphael (Josef) Walzer from Ravensburg (1888–1966): 1918–1937
  5. Benedikt (Karl Borromäus) Baur from Mengen (1877–1963): 1938–1955
  6. Benedikt (Johannes) Reetz from Ripsdorf/Eifel (1897–1964): 1957–1964
  7. Damasus (Josef) Zähringer from Ibach (1899–1977): 1965–1967
  8. Ursmar (Johannes) Engelmann from Jena (1909–1986): 1970–1980
  9. Hieronymus (Gerhard) Nitz from Flensburg (born 1928): 1980–2001
  10. Theodor (Klaus) Hogg from Kirchen-Hausen (born 1941): 2001–2011
  11. Tutilo (Hans) Burger from Löffingen-Seppenhofen (born 1965), since 2011



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Coordinates: 48°3′3″N 8°58′9″E / 48.05083°N 8.96917°E / 48.05083; 8.96917

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