Berber languages

Tamaziɣt / Tamazight / ⵝⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵝ / ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵜ
Ethnicity Berbers (Imaziɣen)
North Africa, mainly Morocco, Algeria, Libya, northern Mali and northern Niger; smaller Berber-speaking populations in Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Mauritania and the Spanish city of Melilla

Berber-speaking Moroccan and Algerian immigrants of about 2 million in: France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, Canada and the USA
Linguistic classification


  • Berber
Proto-language Proto-Berber
ISO 639-2 / 5 ber
Glottolog berb1260[1]


Berber-speaking populations are dominant in the coloured areas of modern-day North Africa. The other areas of North Africa contain minority Berber-speaking populations.
  Tmaziɣt (Riffian)
  Tamaziɣt (Central Atlas)
  Tacelḥit (Shilha)

  Tuḍḍungiyya (Zenaga) 

  Tamaceq (Tuareg)

  Tacenwit (Tashenwit)

  Taqbaylit (Kabyle)
  Tacawit (Shawiya)
  Tanfusit (Nafusi)
  Other (Wargli,
        Mozabite, Siwa, etc.)

The Berber languages, also known as Berber or the Amazigh languages[2] (Berber name: Tamaziɣt, Tamazight; Tifinagh: ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵜ, ⵝⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵝ, pronounced [tæmæˈzɪɣt], [θæmæˈzɪɣθ]), are a family of similar and closely related languages and dialects spoken by the Berber people indigenous to North Africa. The Berber languages constitute a branch of the Afroasiatic language family.[3] They have been attested since ancient times.

Berber is spoken by large populations of Algeria, Morocco and Libya and by smaller populations of Tunisia, northern Mali, western and northern Niger, northern Burkina Faso, Mauritania and in the Siwa Oasis of Egypt. Large Berber-speaking migrant communities, today numbering about 4 million, have been living in Western Europe, spanning over three generations, since the 1950s. The number of Berber people is much higher than the number of Berber speakers. The bulk of the populations of the Maghreb countries are considered to have Berber ancestors. In Algeria, for example, a majority of the population consists of Arabised Berbers.[4]

Around 90 percent of the Berber-speaking population speak one of six major varieties of Berber, each with at least two million speakers. They are, in order of number of speakers: Shilha (Tacelḥit/Tasussit), Kabyle (Taqbaylit), Central Atlas Tamazight (Tamaziɣt), Riffian (Tmaziɣt), Shawiya (Tacawit) and Tuareg (Tamaceq/Tamajaq/Tamahaq). The extinct Guanche language spoken on the Canary Islands by the Guanches, as well as the languages of the ancient C-Group culture in present-day southern Egypt and northern Sudan, are believed to have belonged to the Berber branch of the Afroasiatic family.

The Berber languages and dialects have had a written tradition, on and off, for about 2,500 years, although the tradition has been frequently disrupted by cultural shifts and invasions. They were first written in the Libyco-Berber abjad, still used today by the Tuareg in the form of Tuareg Tifinagh. The oldest dated inscription is from 3rd century BCE. Later, between about 1000 CE and 1500 CE, they were written in the Arabic script, and since the 20th century they have been written in the Berber Latin alphabet, especially among the Kabyle and Riffian communities of Morocco and Algeria. The Berber Latin alphabet was also used by most European and Berber linguists during the 19th and 20th centuries.[5]

A modernised form of the Tifinagh alphabet, called Neo-Tifinagh, was adopted in Morocco in 2003 for writing Berber, but many Moroccan Berber publications still use the Berber Latin alphabet. Algerians mostly use the Berber Latin alphabet in Berber language education at public schools, while Tifinagh is mostly used for artistic symbolism. Mali and Niger recognise a Tuareg-Berber Latin alphabet customised to the Tuareg phonological system. However, traditional Tifinagh is still used in those countries.

There is a cultural and political movement among speakers of the closely related varieties of Northern Berber to promote and unify them under a written standard language called Tamaziɣt. The name Tamaziɣt (or Tamazight) is the current native name of the Berber language in the Moroccan Middle Atlas region, the Rif regions and the Libyan Zuwarah region. In other Berber-speaking areas this name was lost. There is historical evidence from medieval Berber manuscripts that all indigenous North Africans from Libya to Morocco have at some point called their language Tamaziɣt.[6][7][8] The name Tamaziɣt is currently being used increasingly by educated Berbers to refer to the written Berber language, and even to Berber as a whole, including Tuareg.

In 2001, Berber became a constitutional national language of Algeria, and in 2011 Berber became a constitutionally official language of Morocco. In 2016 Berber became a constitutionally official language of Algeria,[9] after years of persecution.[10][11][12][13][14]


The term Berber has been used in Europe since at least the 17th century, and is still used today. It was borrowed from Latin Barbari. The Latin word is also found in the Arabic designation for these populations, البربر (al-Barbar), see names of the Berber people.

Etymologically, the Berber root M-Z-Ɣ (Mazigh) (singular noun: Amazigh, feminine: Tamazight) means "free man", "noble man", or "defender". The feminine Tamazight traditionally referred specifically to the Riffian and Central Atlas Tamazight languages. Many Berber linguists prefer to consider the term Tamazight as a pure Berber word to be used only in Berber text while using the European word "Berber/Berbero/Berbère" in European texts to follow the traditions of European writings about the Berbers. European languages distinguish between the words "Berber" and "barbarian", while Arabic has the same word al-Barbari for both meanings.

Some other Berber writers, especially in Morocco, prefer to refer to Berber with Amazigh when writing about it in French or English.

Traditionally, the term Tamazight (in various forms: Thamazighth, Tamasheq, Tamajaq, Tamahaq) was used by many Berber groups to refer to the language they spoke, including the Middle Atlas, the Riffians, the Sened in Tunisia and the Tuareg. However, other terms were used by other groups; for instance, some Berber populations of Algeria called their language Taznatit (Zenati) or Shelha, while the Kabyles called theirs Taqbaylit, and the inhabitants of the Siwa Oasis called their language Siwi. In Tunisia, the local Amazigh language is usually referred to as Shelha, a term which has been observed in Morocco as well.[15]

One group, the Linguasphere Observatory, has attempted to introduce the neologism "Tamazic languages" to refer to the Berber languages.[16]


Berber is a member of the Afroasiatic language family.[3] Since modern Berber languages are relatively homogeneous, the date of the Proto-Berber language from which the modern group is derived was probably comparatively recent, comparable to the age of the Germanic or Romance subfamilies. In contrast, the split of the group from the other Afro-Asiatic sub-phyla is much earlier, and is sometimes associated with the Mesolithic Capsian culture.[17]


Ancient Libyco-Berber inscriptions in Zagora, Morocco

Various orthographies have been used to transcribe the Berber languages. In antiquity, the Libyco-Berber script (Tifinagh) was utilised to write Berber. Early uses of the script have been found on rock art and in various sepulchres. Among these are the 1,500 year old monumental tomb of the Tuareg matriarch Tin Hinan, where vestiges of a Tifinagh inscription have been found on one of its walls.[18]

Following the spread of Islam, some Berber scholars also utilised the Arabic script.[19] There are now three writing systems in use for Berber languages: Tifinagh, the Arabic script, and the Berber Latin alphabet.[20]



Front Central Back
Close i ʊ
Mid ə
Open æ


Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
plain labial plain emph. plain velar. emph. plain labial.
Nasal m n
Stop voiceless t t͡ʃ k q
voiced b d d͡ʒ ɡ
Fricative voiceless f θ s ʃ χ ħ h
voiced β ð ðˤ z ʒ ɣ ʕ
Approximant l ɫ j w
Trill r


After independence, all the Maghreb countries to varying degrees pursued a policy of Arabisation, aimed partly at displacing French from its colonial position as the dominant language of education and literacy. Under this policy the use of the Amazigh/Berber languages was suppressed or even banned. This state of affairs has been contested by Berbers in Morocco and Algeria—especially Kabylie—and was addressed in both countries by introducing the Berber language in some schools and by recognising Berber as a "national language" in Algeria,[21] though not as an official one.

The 2011 constitution of Morocco makes "Amazigh" an official language alongside Arabic. Morocco is a country with several competing linguistically different languages, including French, Modern Standard Arabic, Moroccan Arabic and Amazigh. As the higher status of Modern Standard Arabic grew, so did the relation between the male population and the language, as well as the female population and the lower status language Amazigh. Women became the main carriers of the Amazigh language as the lower-status language in the country.[22] In Mali and Niger, there are a few schools that teach partially in Tuareg languages.

Although regional councils in Libya's Nafusa Mountains affiliated with the National Transitional Council reportedly use the Berber language of Nafusi and have called for it to be granted co-official status with Arabic in a prospective new constitution,[23][24] Algeria and Morocco are the only countries where Tamazight is an official language.

As areas of Libya south and west of Tripoli such as the Nafusa Mountains were taken from the control of Gaddafi government forces in early summer 2011, Berber workshops and exhibitions sprang up to share and spread the Tamazight culture and language.[25]

On 17 June 2011 King Mohammed VI announced in a speech of new constitutional reform that "Tamazight" became an official language of Morocco alongside Arabic and will be used in all the administrations in the future.[26]

On 30 April 2012 Fatima Chahou, alias Tabaamrant, member of the Moroccan House of Representatives and former singer became the first person to ask questions and discuss the minister's answer in Tamazight inside the Parliament of Morocco.

On 7 February 2016 the Algerian parliament recognised Berber languages as having official status along with Arabic.[27][28]


The exact population of Berber speakers is hard to ascertain, since most North African countries do not record language data in their censuses. Ethnologue provides a useful academic starting point; however, its bibliographic references are very inadequate, and it rates its own accuracy at only B-C for the area. Early colonial censuses may provide better documented figures for some countries; however, these are also very much out of date.

Few census figures are available; all countries (Algeria and Morocco included) do not count Berber languages. The 1972 Niger census reported Tuareg, with other languages, at 127,000 speakers. Population shifts in location and number, effects of urbanization and education in other languages, etc., make estimates difficult. In 1952, André Basset (LLB.4) estimated the number of Berberophones at 5,500,000. Between 1968 and 1978 estimates ranged from eight to thirteen million (as reported by Galand, LELB 56, pp. 107, 123–25); Voegelin and Voegelin (1977, p. 297) call eight million a conservative estimate. In 2006, Salem Chaker estimated that the Berberophone populations of Kabylie and the three Moroccan groups numbered more than one million each; and that in Algeria, 9,650,000, or one out of five Algerians, speak a Berber language (Chaker 1984, pp. 8–9).[29]
Percentage of Berber speakers in Morocco at the 2004 census[30]
Map of Berber-speaking areas in Morocco

A survey included in the official Moroccan census of 2004 and published by several Moroccan newspapers gave the following figures: 34 percent of people in rural regions spoke a Berber language and 21 percent in urban zones did; the national average would be 28.4 percent or 8.52 million.[36] It is possible, however, that the survey asked for the language "used in daily life",[37] which would result in figures lower than those of native speakers, as the language is not recognised for official purposes and many Berbers who live in an Arabic-speaking environment cannot use it in daily life; also, the use of Berber in public was frowned upon until the 1990s, which may have affected the result of the survey.

Adding up the population (according to the official census of 2004) of the Berber-speaking regions as shown on a 1973 map from the CIA results in at least 10 million speakers, not counting the numerous Berber population which lives outside these regions in the bigger cities.

Moroccan linguist Mohamed Chafik claims that 80 percent of Moroccans are Berbers. It is not clear, however, whether he means "speakers of Berber languages" or "people of Berber descent".

The division of Moroccan Berber languages into three groups, as used by Ethnologue, is common in linguistic publications, but is significantly complicated by the presence of local differences: Shilha is subdivided into Shilha of the Draa River valley, Tasusit (the language of the Souss) and several other mountain languages. Moreover, linguistic boundaries are blurred, such that certain languages cannot accurately be described as either Central Morocco Tamazight (spoken in the central and eastern Atlas area) or Shilha.

Shenwa language in the central-western part of Algeria
A fourth group, despite a very small population, accounts for most of the land area where Berber is spoken:
  • Tuareg: 25,000 in Algeria (Ethnologue, 1987), mainly in the Hoggar Mountains of the Sahara. Most Tuareg live in Mali and Niger (see below).

Other Berber languages spoken in Algeria include: the Tamazight of Blida, the languages of the Beni Snouss and Beni Boussaid villages in the province of Tlemcen, the Matmata Berber spoken in the Ouarsenis region, the Mozabite language spoken in the region of the province of Mzab and the language of the Ouargla oasis.

Tamasheq: 250,000
Tamajaq: 190,000
Tawallamat Tamajaq: 450,000
Tayart Tamajeq: 250,000
Tamahaq: 20,000

Thus, the total number of speakers of Berber languages in the Maghreb proper appears to lie anywhere between 16 and 25 million, depending on which estimate is accepted; if we take Basset's estimate, it could be as high as 30 million. The vast majority are concentrated in Morocco and Algeria. The Tuareg of the Sahel adds another million or so to the total.


Kabylian manuscript from the 18th century


Nouns in the Berber languages vary in gender (masculine versus feminine), number (singular versus plural) and state (free state versus construct state). In the case of the masculine, nouns generally begin with one of the three vowels of Berber, a, u or i (in standardised orthography, e represents a schwa [ə] inserted for reasons of pronunciation):

afus "hand"
argaz "man"
udem "face"
ul "heart"
ixef "head"
iles "tongue"

While the masculine is unmarked, the feminine (also used to form diminutives and singulatives, like an ear of wheat) is marked with the circumfix t...t. Feminine plural takes a prefix t...:

afus → tafust
udem → tudemt
ixef → tixeft
ifassen → tifassin

Berber languages have two types of number: singular and plural, of which only the latter is marked. Plural has three forms according to the type of nouns. The first, "regular" type is known as the "external plural"; it consists in changing the initial vowel of the noun, and adding a suffix -n:

afus → ifassen "hands"
argaz → irgazen "men"
ixef → ixfawen "heads"
ul → ulawen "hearts"

The second form of the plural is known as the "broken plural". It involves only a change in the vowels of the word:

adrar → idurar "mountain"
agadir → igudar "wall / castle"
abaghus → ibughas "monkey"

The third type of plural is a mixed form: it combines a change of vowels with the suffix -n:

izi → izan "(the) fly"
azur → izuran "roof"
iziker → izakaren "rope"

Berber languages also have two types of states or cases of the noun, organized ergatively: one is unmarked, while the other serves for the subject of a transitive verb and the object of a preposition, among other contexts. The former is often called free state, the latter construct state. The construct state of the noun derives from the free state through one of the following rules: The first involves a vowel alternation, whereby the vowel a becomes u:

argaz → urgaz
amghar → umghar
adrar → udrar

The second involves the loss of the initial vowel, in the case of some feminine nouns:

tamghart → temghart "woman / mature woman"
tamdint → temdint "town"
tarbat → terbat "girl"

The third involves the addition of a semi-vowel (w or y) word-initially:

asif → wasif "river"
aḍu → waḍu "wind"
iles → yiles "tongue"
uccen → wuccen "wolf"

Finally, some nouns do not change for free state:

taddart → taddart "house / village"
tuccent → tuccent "female wolf"

The following table gives the forms for the noun amghar "old man / leader":

masculine feminine
default agent default agent
singular amghar umghar tamghart temghart
plural imgharen yimgharen timgharin temgharin


Berber pronouns show gender distinction in the second- and third-persons, but in verbal agreement markers, the distinction is lost in the second-person.[44]


A listing of the other Berber languages is complicated by their closeness; there is little distinction between language and dialect. The primary difficulty of subclassification, however, lies in the eastern Berber languages, where there is little agreement. Otherwise there is consensus on the outlines of the family:

The various classifications differ primarily in what they consider to be Eastern Berber, and in how many varieties they recognise as distinct languages.

There is so little data available on Guanche that any classification is necessarily uncertain; however, it is almost universally acknowledged as Afro-Asiatic on the basis of the surviving glosses, and widely suspected to be Berber. Much the same can be said of the language, sometimes called "Numidian", used in the Libyan or Libyco-Berber inscriptions around the turn of the Common Era, whose alphabet is the ancestor of Tifinagh.

Kossmann (1999)

Maarten Kossmann (1999) describes Berber as two dialect continua,

plus a few peripheral languages, spoken in isolated pockets largely surrounded by Arabic, that fall outside these continua, namely

Within Northern Berber, however, he recognises a break in the continuum between Zenati and their non-Zenati neighbours; and in the east, he recognises a division between Ghadamès and Awjila on the one hand and Sokna (Fuqaha, Libya), Siwa and Djebel Nefusa on the other. The implied tree is:


Ethnologue, mostly following Aikhenvald and Militarev (1991), treats the eastern varieties differently:

Blench (2006)

Blench (ms, 2006) has the following classification:[45]

and within Berber,

Influence on other languages

The Berber languages have influenced Maghrebi Arabic languages, such as Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian Arabic. Their influence is also seen in some languages in West Africa. F. W. H. Migeod pointed to strong resemblances between Berber and Hausa in such words and phrases as these: Berber: obanis; Hausa obansa (his father); Berber: a bat; Hausa ya bata (he was lost); Berber: eghare; Hausa ya kirra (he called). In addition he notes that the genitive in both languages is formed with n = "of".[46]

Extinct languages

A number of extinct populations are believed to have spoken Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berber branch. According to Peter Behrens (1981) and Marianne Bechaus-Gerst (2000), linguistic evidence suggests that the peoples of the C-Group culture in present-day southern Egypt and northern Sudan spoke Berber languages.[47][48] The Nilo-Saharan Nobiin language today contains a number of key pastoralism related loanwords that are of Berber origin, including the terms for sheep and water/Nile. This in turn suggests that the C-Group population — which, along with the Kerma culture, inhabited the Nile valley immediately before the arrival of the first Nubian speakers — spoke Afro-Asiatic languages.[47]

Additionally, historical linguistics indicate that the Guanche language, which was spoken on the Canary Islands by the ancient Guanches, likely belonged to the Berber branch of the Afro-Asiatic family.[49]

Examples of basic Berber words

The Berber letter "c" is pronounced [ʃ] (like the English "sh").

The Berber letter "x" is pronounced [χ] (like the Spanish "j" or the German "ch").

The Berber letter "ɣ" is pronounced [ʁ] (like the French or German "r").


English Berber
One ijjen / yan / yun / yiwen (fem: ict, yat, yut, yiwet)
Two sin / sen (fem: snat / sent)
Three kṛaḍ / cṛaḍ / caṛeḍ (fem: kṛaḍt / cṛaḍt / caṛeḍt)
Four kkuẓ / kkoẓ / okkoẓ (fem: kkuẓt / kkoẓt / okkoẓt)
Five semmus / fus (fem: semmust / fust)
Six sḍis (fem: sḍist)
Seven sa (fem: sat)
Eight tam (fem: tamt)
Nine tẓa (fem: tẓat)
Ten mraw (fem: mrawt)

English Berber
Eleven mraw d ijjen / mraw d yan
Twelve mraw d sin
Thirteen mraw d krad
Fourteen mraw d kkuz
Fifteen mraw d semmus
Sixteen mraw d sdis
Seventeen mraw d sa
Eighteen mraw d tam
Nineteen mraw d tza
Twenty sin d'mraw

English Berber
Twenty-one simraw d ijjen / simraw d yan
Twenty-two simraw d sin
Twenty-three simraw d krad
Twenty-four simraw d kkuz
Twenty-five simraw d semmus
Twenty-six simraw d sdis
Twenty-seven simraw d sa
Twenty-eight simraw d tam
Twenty-nine simraw d tza
Thirty kra d'mraw

English Berber
one hundred timiḍi
one thousand agim / ifeḍ
two thousand sin igiman / sin ifḍen
two thousand thirteen {2013} sin igiman d mraw d kraḍ

Days of the week

English Berber
Monday Aynas / ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ
Tuesday Asinas / ⴰⵙⵉⵏⴰⵙ
Wednesday Akṛas / ⴰⴾⵕⴰⵙ
Thursday Akwas / ⴰⴾⵡⴰⵙ
Friday Asimwas / ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ
Saturday Asiḍyas / ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ
Sunday Asamas / ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ

See also


  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian, eds. (2016). "Berber". Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  2. H. Ekkehard Wolff (2013-08-26). "Amazigh languages". Retrieved 2015-07-14.
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  7. Some grammatical features of ancient Eastern Berber - Vermondo Brugnatelli, 2011.
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  47. 1 2 Marianne Bechaus-Gerst, Roger Blench, Kevin MacDonald (ed.) (2014). The Origins and Development of African Livestock: Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistics and Ethnography – "Linguistic evidence for the prehistory of livestock in Sudan" (2000). Routledge. pp. 453–457. ISBN 1135434166. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
  48. Behrens, Peter (1986). Libya Antiqua: Report and Papers of the Symposium Organized by Unesco in Paris, 16 to 18 January 1984 – "Language and migrations of the early Saharan cattle herders: the formation of the Berber branch". Unesco. p. 30. ISBN 9231023764. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
  49. Richard Hayward, 2000, "Afroasiatic", in Heine & Nurse eds, African Languages, Cambridge University Press


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