Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey
Occupation Columnist, author
Nationality American
Genre Christian

Benjamin L. Corey is an American Missiologist, author, blogger and speaker. He is a prominent figure within the Emerging Church Movement,[1] Progressive Christianity,[2][3][4][5] and radical Christianity[6][7] while self-identifying as an Anabaptist.[8] He is the author of the popular book, Undiluted: Rediscovering The Radical Message of Jesus.[9]


Corey is an alumnus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, MA, holding graduate degrees in both theology and missiology (graduating cum laude[10]), and is a current doctoral student at Fuller Theological Seminary in the field of missiology.[11] His academic interests include Christian Nonviolence, Syncretism, and the applications of a theology of shalom in Human Trafficking aftercare, which is the subject of his doctoral dissertation.[12]

Corey is a retired Professional Military Education Instructor from the United States Air Force,[13] and has written extensively about his transition from a Christian fundamentalist in the military, to a prominent Anabaptist[14] who now affirms the doctrine of Christian Nonviolence.

Challenges to Christian Fundamentalism

Corey has frequently challenged Christian Fundamentalism, earning the ire of the Religious Right.[15] In 2014, the book Distortion: How the Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel & Damaging the Faith, promised to name the names of the new "Christian Left," in America[16] and Corey was among the Progressive Christian leaders referenced.[17] This was in large part because of his stance against what he calls "Pro-Life Hypocrisy" on the part of some conservative Christians.[18]

In addition to speaking out against Pro-Life hypocrisy while advocating for a more holistic, nonviolent Christian ethic, Corey has frequently challenged other key aspects of Christian fundamentalism such as the modern end times movement, which Corey states is a 19th-century invention and outside the realm of historic Christianity.[19] Corey is also one of a growing number of prominent Christians who are disputing Christianity's traditional teachings on hell, arguing in TIME magazine that the traditional view of "eternal conscious torment" is inconsistent with both the Scriptures and the character of a loving God.[20] Corey has also been a frequent voice against American Nationalism[21][22] within the Christian community, holding the position that Christians should pledge their loyalty only to God, and never to a nation state.[23] In addition, Corey has publicly challenged fundamentalism's treatment of the gay community.[24]

Syncretism within American Christianity

Corey argues that much of American Christianity has fallen prey to syncretism, and that instead of the Christianity taught by Jesus, it has been diluted by the mixing of conservative cultural norms (such as war and individualism) which Corey asserts are actually opposed to Christian values.[25] This process of grafting American ideals into the message of Jesus is something he argues has caused Christianity in America to develop "cataracts of culture" which serve to obscure the more radical nature of Jesus' message.[26]

Personal life

Corey is married with two children adopted from Peru.[27] He is an outspoken advocate of adoption who has urged the Christian community to rethink the trendiness of adoption to ensure children are adopted ethically, and adopted by properly equipped families.[28]


See also


  1. Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 8/2/14
  2. Vicari, Chelsen Distortion: How The New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging The Faith (Charisma House, 2014), p84
  6. Merritt, Jonathan Have Evangelicals Diluted Jesus' Radical Message? Religion News Service, 9/11/1/4. Retrieved 1/5/15
  8. Benjamin L. Corey, Patheos Biography. Retrieved 12/29/14
  11. Benjamin Corey, Sojourners Biography Retrieved 1/5/2015
  12. Foundation for Hope and Grace, Board of Director Biographies. Accessed 12/14/14
  13. Benjamin L. Corey, Patheos Biography. Retrieved 12/29/14
  15. The Blaze. Retrieved 12/24/13
  16. St. John, Christian. “Distortion” – New Book Warns of Evangelical Left Influence on Millennials. Christian Review, retrieved 10/19/14.
  17. Vicari, Chelsen Distortion: How The New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging The Faith (Charisma House, 2014), p.84-85
  18. Huffpost Live Hypocrisy From Pro-Life Legislators Original air date, 7/15/2013.
  20. Corey, Benjamin 5 Reason Christians Are Rejecting the Notion of Hell. TIME. August 28, 2014.
  21. Swartz,David America(s) in the Bible. University of Chicago 2014
  22. Mennonite World Review. Retrieved 12/2/14
  24. Huffington Post. Retrieved 7/21/14
  25. Corey, Benjamin L Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus (Destiny Image: 2014) p. 17-18
  26. Corey, Benjamin A Living Alternative: Anabaptist Christianity in a Post-Christendom World (Ettelloc Publishing, 2014), p.193
  27. Benjamin L. Corey, Patheos Biography. Retrieved 12/29/14
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