Gaming the system

Gaming the system (also gaming the rules, bending the rules, abusing the system, cheating the system, milking the system, playing the system, or working the system) can be defined as using the rules and procedures meant to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system for a desired outcome.[1]

According to James Rieley, the American banker, structures in companies and organizations (both explicit and implicit policies and procedures, stated goals, and mental models) drive behaviors that are detrimental to long-term organizational success and stifle competition.[2] For some, error is the essence of gaming the system, in which a gap in protocol allows for errant practices that lead to unintended results.[3]


The first known documented use of the term "gaming the system" is in 1975.[4]



Henry Paulson, considering that the financial crisis of 2007–08 demonstrated that US financial markets had outgrown the ability of the system that had been used to regulate them, saw as a necessity a better framework than US financial markets had used before. This framework would be one that featured less duplication and that restricted the ability of financial firms to pick and choose their own, generally less-strict, regulators—a practice known as regulatory arbitrage,[5] which enabled widespread gaming of the regulatory system.

A similar, contributing effect has been identified within corporate rating systems, where gaming the system becomes virulent when formalization is combined with transparency.[6]


Designers of online communities are explicitly warned that whenever one creates a system for managing a community, someone will try to work it to their advantage.[7] Accordingly, they are advised from the start to think like a bad guy and to consider what behaviors they are unintentionally encouraging by creating some new social rules for the community.[8]


Parental divisions on child-rearing will always give the child plenty of opportunity to play one parent off against the other.[9] Object relations theory stresses, however, that while, if a child finds one parent easy to get round, compared with the other who is trying to set limits, it is likely to take advantage of that split. According to this theory, this is always a hollow triumph; what the child is really hoping is that such parents will eventually begin to see a need to get together on the issue of limit-setting.[10]

On the particular point of contingent feeding—offering treats on condition that a certain unpopular food is eaten—it has been specifically noted that contingent feeding encourages children to argue and practice gaming the system fighting over the fine print.[11]

NHS dentistry

NHS dentistry in the UK sees the frequent use of "gaming the system" to describe the use of adapting treatment to the payment system, and is frequently referred to as simply "gaming". The practice of adapting treatment to payment systems, rather than clinical need, is thought to be widespread in NHS dentistry and is considered by some to be as a result of a poorly-planned target based system.[12] The term is also used to describe obfuscation of the scope of NHS dentistry in order to "upsell" items of treatment that should be available.


Eric Berne identified a kind of gaming the system in a clinical context through what he called the game of "Psychiatry", with its motto "You will never cure me, but you will teach me to be a better neurotic (play a better game of 'Psychiatry')."[13] A few patients, he noted, carefully pick weak psychoanalysts, moving from one to another, demonstrating that they can't be cured and meanwhile learning to play a sharper and sharper game of 'Psychiatry;' eventually it becomes difficult for even a first-rate clinician to separate the wheat from the chaff.[13]

Some people confuse "gaming the system" with "working the system". Gaming the system has a negative connotation, while working the system has a positive meaning. Working the system implies that one is using an understanding to work within the system to attain sets of goals that align, whereas gaming the system implies using this understanding to attain specific goals that don't align with the rest of a set of goals. Depending on the observers interest or preferred goals, this may be perceived as unfair or as an outcome for which the system was never intended. The cause of the difference between gaming the system and working the system lies in the existence of a (perceived) conflict between goals

See also


  1. Joseph Potvin. "The Great Due Date of 2008, slide 5" (PDF).(membership required)
  2. James Rieley (April 2001). Gaming the System: how to stop playing the organizational game and start playing the competitive game. ISBN 978-0-273-65419-3.
  3. Mark Nunes , Error (2010) p. 188
  4. 1975 Systems Engineering Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 19-21, 1975
  5. Hank Paulson, On the Brink (London 2010) p. 441
  6. M. Lounsbury/P. M. Hirsch, Markets on Trial (2010) p. 147
  7. Gavin Bell, Building Social Web Applications (2009) p. 274
  8. Bell, p. 274
  9. Skynner, Robin; Cleese, John (1994). Families and How to Survive Them. London: Cedar. p. 221. ISBN 0-7493-1410-9.
  10. Casement, Patrick (1997). Further Learning from the Patient. London: Routledge. p. 114. ISBN 0-415-05425-7.
  11. Benaroch, Roy (2008). Solving Health and Behavioral Problems from Birth Through Preschool. Westport: Praeger. p. 132. ISBN 978-0-275-99347-4.
  12. Holden, A.C.L. (12 April 2013). "Justice and NHS dental treatment - is injustice rife in NHS dentistry?". British Dental Journal. 214 (7): 335–337. PMID 23579129. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.323.
  13. 1 2 Eric Berne, Games People Play (Penguin) p. 136

Further reading

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