Military Academy (Serbia)

Military Academy
Војна академија

Logo of Military Academy

Logo of Military Academy
Motto Serbian: Част је наша имовина
Motto in English
Honor is our property
Type Public
Established 1850 (1850)
Officer in charge
prof. dr. major Mladen Vuruna
Location Belgrade, Serbia
44°46′11″N 20°28′11″E / 44.769832°N 20.469847°E / 44.769832; 20.469847Coordinates: 44°46′11″N 20°28′11″E / 44.769832°N 20.469847°E / 44.769832; 20.469847
Colors Red and Blue         
Website Military Academy

The Military Academy (Serbian: Војна академија) is a training college devoted to military education and career development in Belgrade, Serbia. The academy forms part of the Serbian higher education system, offering accredited graduate and postgraduate curriculum. It contains a military high school, offering secondary-level education, and a school of national defense, which conducts officer training. The academy's facilities include a sports center with a swimming pool, a stadium with running tracks, modern classrooms for foreign language learning, and lecture theaters.

Educational Program

Graduating students from the academy

The following levels of studies are organized in The Military Academy:

Besides above mentioned, in the system of education at the Military Academy, it is also found secondary military education at The Military High School.

Graduate Studies

A professional qualification, moral completeness and physical readiness are the basis for successful realization of tasks and command of units in positioned missions and tasks, continual development and improvement of officers. An officer is the one whose vocation is commanding. A general aim of education at the general academic studies: The aim of the education at the Military Academy is the education of students for the vocation of professional officer, training for initial duties at the level of commanding officer of platoon and preparations for intellectual and ethical challenges of officer vocation, in accordance with missions and tasks of The Army of Serbia.

There are six programs of studies at the Military Academy:

The programs of studies have many modules which provide students with vast specialist knowledge and necessary skills which an officer of the Army of Serbia has to possess.

After graduation, students become: managers (defense managers), mechanical engineers ( engineers of military - mechanical engineering), engineers of electrical engineering and computer science ( engineers of military - electronic engineering), engineers of technology ( engineers of military - chemical engineering) and engineers of traffic and transportation ( engineers of military aviation – pilots) by profession. After their graduation from the first degree academic studies, students go into a professional military service at the rank of second-lieutenant or they can go on with their education at the master studies organized by the Military Academy.

To these students, alongside attendance of compulsory lectures, it is also enabled to acquire internationally accepted certificates: STANAG (knowledge of foreign languages) and ECDL ( computer skills).

Teaching process at the Military Academy consists of active classes ( lectures, exercises, and other forms of teaching) and special forms of teaching ( camps, military training, training in winter conditions – skiing, training for steering a motor vehicle, flight training, embarking on the ships of river units, etc.). The teaching process is organized by the teachers from the Military Academy, as well as professors from other faculties, associates from scientific institutions, The Ministry of Defense and The General Staff of the Army of Serbia. Emphasis is on the practical implementation of knowledge and skills which students acquire through lectures and exercises.

Teaching is organized in the contemporary equipped laboratories, cabinets, classrooms equipped with computers and Internet. The library and reading-rooms, with numerous publications of scientific-educational literature and fiction and possibility of using the newest publications of technical journals are at students' disposal. All programs which are organized at the Military Academy are in a complete accordance with the programs of studies which are organized at military academies in Europe.

Defense Management

The aim of this program of studies is adoption of academic knowledge and skills, and achieving competencies necessary to carry out initial branch – service officer duties, platoon leader in accordance with the missions and tasks of Serbian Armed Forces, as well as for carrying out managerial duties in the defense system. The program includes areas that are necessary for acquiring defense management system basic theoretical knowledge, such as management, economic and organizational sciences. The elected modules are:

The cadet is awarded a Defense management diploma.

Military - Mechanical Engineering

Military - Mechanical Engineering is the Military Academy cadets' education for technical service officer core and mechanical engineering. Realization of this study program, enables future officers – mechanical engineers to resolve fundamental technical-technological problems in their initial command or staff duties that are in connection with maintenance and storage of arms and military equipment. The elected modules are:

The cadet is awarded Mechanical engineering Diploma and Diploma's Supplement which means competencies of officers technical for technical service (Weaponry and armament specialty or Combat Vehicles).

Military - Electronic Engineering

Military - Electronic Engineering is designed for education of cadets from the Military Academy for telecommunication and technical services officer core and computer science. Realization of this study program, enables future officers of telecommunications, technical services and computer sciences to resolve fundamental technical-technological problems in their initial duties, which are in connection with exploitation and maintenance of military electronic systems and means in its service and specialty. The elected modules are:

The cadet is awarded Electronic Engineering Diploma. Except diplomas, a cadet is awarded and a Diploma's Supplement, which determines cadet competencies for professional officer service in telecommunications, technical service (radar systems and missile systems specialty and fire control system) and Informatics.

Military - Chemical Engineering

Military - Chemical Engineering is the Military Academy cadets' education for technical branches of officer core, ordnance specialty and anti CBRN specialty, as well as technology engineers. Future officers - Military Chemical Engineers, depending on elected module, will be enabled to resolve fundamental technical-technological problems in their initial duties in the services and specialties, primarily to the platoon level, which are in connection with: Tech maintenance and ordnance storage, and technology of CBRN accidents sanitation in peace and war. The elected modules are:

The cadet is awarded Chemical engineering Diploma and Diploma's Supplement which determines officer competencies for technical service professional officer (Ordnance specialty) and CBRN branch.

Military Aviation

Military Aviation is the Military Academy cadets' education for Air Force officers – aircraft and helicopter pilots as well as air traffic engineers. Realization of this study program enables future Air Force officers - aircraft and helicopter pilots, for work on their initial duties of pilots in air detachments, then to carry out basic flying duties, as well as for the continued advanced air squadron level training. In addition, study program provides necessary competencies for performing the duties of an engineer in military aviation.

The cadet is awarded Air traffic Engineer Diploma and Diploma's Supplement which determines officer competencies for professional Air Force pilot.


Defence Logistics is to acquire academic knowledge and skills, and achieving competencies necessary to carry out initial duties of logistics officers in the defence system. Core courses of the program include courses of mathematics, social science, difence science, certain fields of technical-technological sciences and defense logistics. The structure of the program includes theoretical knowledge required for successful defence logistics management (basic economics, microeconomics, logistics, organization, quality assurance, special logistic areas, military management, crisis management, resource management, financial business, material business, supply material management and electronic business). The elected modules are:

The cadet is awarded a Defence Logistics Manager Diploma and Diploma's Supplement which determines cadet's competencies for professional officer in the service of Serbian military.

Master studies

Master studies enable you to expand the knowledge you acquired at the graduate academic studies and to acquire the competence in fulfilling higher duties in your branch – service, as well as to perform the job of a graduate manager, i.e. a graduate engineer. The studies last one year or two semesters during which you obtain 60 ESPB.

After a successful graduation, you are a graduate defense manager or a graduate engineer of a certain profile. Thus, you will have gained all necessary conditions for reaching better position in your profession and specialized training.

Master studies are carried out through four programs of studies:


After graduation from the first degree studies, and during a military career, the opportunity of postgraduate scientific and professional specialized trainings for achieving higher levels of education is offered to officers.

To officers, chosen by contest, alongside with parallel work in the units, the specialized training which represents a type of postgraduate education is enabled, and it can be done on specialized, master and doctoral studies.

In The National Defense School, command and general-staff officer education for the highest duties in The Army of Serbia and The Ministry of Defense is organized.

The forms of specialized trainings at The Military Academy are:


The Military Academy is located in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Address: 33 Pavla Jurišića Šturma street

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