Beatrice Aiello

Beatrice Aiello is an Italian actress and artist.

TV activity

Beatrice Aiello's activity for broadcast television includes: the 2011 and 2016 seasons of Che dio ci aiuti,[1] a Lux Video TV Series for Rai Fiction, aired on Rai 1, the 2014 season of CentoVetrine,[2][3][4][5] an Italian Mediaset Soap Opera production for Canale 5 and Rete 4, the 2012 season of Provaci ancora prof![6] an Italian Rai 1TV Series and the 2011 season of Inspector Rex 5 for Rai 1. She also worked with director Francesca Mazzoleni.[7]

Theatre and other activities

Beatrice Aiello's theatrical activities includes work with Giorgio Albertazzi,[8] Sergio Rubini, Daniele Salvo, Pierpaolo Sepe, Marco Maltauro,[9] Nicola Pistoia.[10] In 2014 she starred the play Come restare vedove senza intaccare la fedina penale.[11][12] She also wrote and produced the play Gocce.[13][14]

Beatrice Aiello's voice and image for advertising includes: Us Open 2016 Campaign for Lavazza with Andre Agassi directed by Michael Haussman,[15] Global Alitalia Video campaign 2016[16] directed by Federico Brugia,[17] Michael Haussman's Video for Galbani France,[18] Videoclip directed by Antonio Chiricò for rapper Jesto Paranoia-Park[19] and videoclip Gold directed by David Petrucci.

Beatrice Aiello has also performed in International Public Events like the Benefit Gala held by UNICEF in Tiblissi, Georgia (2014), and the presentation of the New Generation A-Class Mercedes-Benz in Rome (2013) among many others, reporter for Mymovies to the 67° Venice Film Festival (2010).

Beatrice Aiello has posed for Photographers such as Giovanni Gastel[20] and Pierpaolo Ferrari.[21]


Aiello completed her studies in 2012 at the YD'Actors Academy (Rome), directed by Yvonne D'Abbraccio.[22]

Her professional training includes studies with Doris Hicks (Actors Studio)[23] Alessandro Fabrizi (Accademia Nazionale D'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico, Rome),[24] Vladimir Olshansky, Manuél Morón, Juan Carlos Corazza,[25] Oliver Mannel (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste) and Natsuko Ohama (University of Southern California),[26] Mamadou Dioume, Rita Forzano, Stefano Di Leo.


  1. "Beatrice Aiello: da che Dio ci aiuti a Centovetrine" (in Italian). 11 December 2014. Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  2. Mediaset. "Cast artistico - Centovetrine - soap - Fiction". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  3. "Centovetrine, Beatrice Aiello a Blogo: "Penelope Diamanti entrerà in scena in modo turbolento. Le sue sfide riguarderanno amore e lavoro"". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  4. Mediaset. "Centovetrine: arriva la XVesima stagione e ritornano le grandi passioni italiane". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  5. "Centovetrine, Beatrice Aiello a Blogo: "Penelope Diamanti entrerà in scena in modo turbolento. Le sue sfide riguarderanno amore e lavoro"". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  6. The Teacher, 6 November 2005, retrieved 2016-09-20
  7. "Dobbiamo Rubare La Ricotta" (in Italian). 2011-10-17. Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  8. "AFORISMI E PEPERONCINO: il Teatro e l'Attore secondo Giorgio Albertazzi". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  9. Ianniello, Silvia. "Performing Arts/Prosa Rivolta femminile | Recensioni e articoli di Silvia Ianniello |". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  10. ""Picasso ha dormito qui" al Manfredi di Ostia - giornaleditalia". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  11. "'Come restare vedove senza intaccare la fedina penale', la brillante commedia di Stella Saccà". Il Fatto Quotidiano. 2014-11-15. Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  12. "Come restare vedove senza intaccare la fedina penale - Teatri - Eventi roma - Corriere di Roma". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  13. "Gocce di Scena presenta in prima nazionale GOCCE -" (in Italian). 2011-11-08. Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  14. "Recensione: Gocce di di Beatrice Aiello regia N. Desmond". Retrieved 2016-09-27.
  15. "Nome modella attrice Lavazza US Open con Andre Agassi e attrice 100 vetrine con Foto – Spot Pubblicitario Lavazza 2016". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  16. "Pubblicità Alitalia con Malika Ayane che canta "Volare"" (in Italian). Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  17. Alitalia Official (18 May 2016), VIVI LA NUOVA ESPERIENZA ALITALIA!, retrieved 2016-09-20
  18. "commercials – Michael Haussman • Director". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  19. Taiyo Yamanouchi (2 January 2011), IL JESTO SENSO Capitolo 4: "Paranoia-Park" (2011), retrieved 2016-09-20
  20. "Giovanni Gastel | Photographer". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  21. "Pierpaolo Ferrari". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  22. "Scuola di Recitazione". YD'Actors – Yvonne D'Abbraccio Studio - (in Italian). Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  23. "THE OFFICIAL WEB SITE OF THE ACTORS STUDIO". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  24. "Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  25. "Inicio". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
  26. "University of Southern California". Retrieved 2016-09-20.
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