
Base4 is a Free (LGPL) application server for generating, sharing and re-using .Net data layers; this is intended to allow a development team to leverage existing enterprise systems and common functionality instead starting from scratch. It shares many similarities with WinFS but is significantly simpler because it doesn't need to be backward compatible with the whole of the Win32 API stack.

The latest version comes with a schema guesser to help new developers get started quickly. There is a video demonstrating this ability for setting up and writing in Base4 here.


Planned features: Version 3.0

Code examples

Connecting to a server

using Base4.Storage;

Requesting objects from a server

See the examples here:

FileBase file = StorageContext.FindOne<FileBase>("Name='My File'"); 
//Above: same as StorageContext.Default.FindOne( … )

if (file != null)
        // ID is unique across all files.
        file.Name = "Updated";
        TextWriter writer = file.OpenWriter();
        writer.Write("Hello World");
      //Above: Because the file has Base4 will update Version and Modified automatically for the file
User user = StorageContext.FindOne<User>("UserName='UserX'"); // Same as ItemContext.FindOne( … )
if (user != null)
        // User found do something.
        // Do Work



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