Bajnai Government


69th cabinet of Hungary
Date formed 14 April 2009
Date dissolved 29 May 2010
People and organisations
Head of state László Sólyom (Ind.)
Head of government Gordon Bajnai
Member party MSZP
Status in legislature Minority
Opposition party Fidesz, KDNP, SZDSZ, MDF
Opposition leader Viktor Orbán (Fidesz)
Zsolt Semjén (KDNP)
Gábor Fodor, Attila Retkes (SZDSZ)
Ibolya Dávid (MDF)
Election(s) -
Outgoing election 11 and 25 April 2010
Legislature term(s) 2006-2010
Predecessor Gyurcsány II
Successor Orbán II

The government of Gordon Bajnai was the government of Hungary between 14 April 2009 and 29 May 2010. Gordon Bajnai formed a minority government after the resignation of Ferenc Gyurcsány. The cabinet was supported externally by the parliamentary group of the Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ).[1]

Coalition members:   MSZP and   Independent ministers

Office Name Party Period
Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai Ind. 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Prime Minister's Office Csaba Molnár MSZP 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Local Government Zoltán Varga 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Balázs Ind. 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Finance Péter Oszkó 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of National Development and Economy Péter Hónig (acting) 14 April 2009 – 29 April 2009
István Varga 29 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development József Gráf MSZP 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement Tibor Draskovics Ind. 14 April 2009 – 14 December 2009
Imre Forgács 15 December 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Health Tamás Székely 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour László Herczog 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Transport, Communications and Energy Péter Hónig 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Education and Culture István Hiller MSZP 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Defence Imre Szekeres 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister of Environment and Water Imre Szabó 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister without portfolio
for coordination of social policy
Péter Kiss 14 April 2009 – 29 May 2010
Minister without portfolio
for civilian intelligence services
Ádám Ficsor 14 April 2009 – 13 September 2009
Csaba Molnár (acting) 13 September 2009 – 17 September 2009
Gábor Juhász 17 September 2009 – 29 May 2010


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