Azima Shukoor

Uza. Aishath Azima Shakoor is a Lawyer in the Maldives. She is the second female lawyer in the country.

She is a lawyer and she was formerly a deputy at the Ministry of Home Affairs.[1] She was an appointed member of parliament appointed by the President Gayoom and President of Women's Wing of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP). She was the first female attorney general of Maldives. She is known to take strong legal standings on her legal opinion. She is also known for the success she enjoys in her court cases. She was the first female Attorney General of the Maldives and the only person to have served two governments as an Attorney General. She also served the country as the Minister of Gender Family and Human Rights, and was known to have given candid and real opinion of the issues and the problems in the sector.

Her predecessor as Attorney General was Dr. Hassan Saeed, who brought considerable reform within the existing legal framework. She was succeeded by Uza. Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed. Uza. Aishath Azima Shakoor remained in office till 11 November 2008. Her duration as attorney general expired when the presidential term of president Maumoon Abdhul Gayyoom ended. She was later appointed by Dr. Mohamed Waheed upon him taking oath of office and remained in office till 2013.


  1. Államok. Egyesült, Congress. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007. p. 2258.

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