Maharathi (warrior)

Karna (right) confronts Arjuna, in the Kurukshetra war

As related in Hindu epics, a Maharathi is a warrior having mastery of all forms of weapons and combat skills.[1] Maharathas are masters of all Vyuhas or battle formations and excellent strategists.[2]

Levels of warrior excellence

In Mahabharatha

As per Bhishma in Mahabaratha, there are three classes of warriors: Rathi, Atirathi and Maharathi (in increasing order of might).[3]

From Kaurava side




From Pandava side





  1. Handbook of Hindu Mythology by George M. Williams
  2. Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Asoka Kausika, Star Publications, 1998
  3. K M Ganguly(1883–1896) Bhishma to Duryodhana at the tale of Rathis and Maharathisa October 2003, Retrieved 2015-05-02
  4. K M Ganguly(1883–1896)The Mahabharatha Book 7: Drona Parva SECTION I Karna is equal to 2 Maharathi warriors, October 2003, Retrieved 2015-04-11
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