Halk Hakydasy Memorial Complex

Coordinates: 37°56′08″N 58°19′00″E / 37.935671°N 58.316680°E / 37.935671; 58.316680 Halk Hakydasy Memorial Complex (People's memory) is a memorial complex to the honor of those killed in battle Geok Tepe, World War II, and the commemoration of the victims of the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake. It is located in the southwestern part of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.[1][2]


Construction began in September 2012 by the Turkish company Polimeks.[3] On October 5, 2014, the memorial was given the official name the Halk hakydasy (People’s memory).[4][5] The memorial complex opened on October 6, 2014, on Turkmenistan Memorial Day, with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.[6]

Architectural ensemble

The memorial complex covers an area of 650 thousand square meters. The length - 916 meters, width - 626 meters. The complex includes a monument erected in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945),[7] as well as the memorial perpetuating the memory of the heroes who died during the battle near Geok Depe and casualties of the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake.[8] Also built in the memorial is a museum. There are buildings for the Muslim rite sadaqah. Near the monuments are erected fountains, lawns and flower beds, paved paths, installed decorative lamps and benches. At night, the complex is illuminated by searchlights.

Monument Ruhy Tagzym

A monument dedicated to the victims of the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake. The bronze sculpture is 10 meters high, mounted on a marble podium, rising above an area of 24 meters. Until 2012, the monument built on the initiative of Saparmurat Niyazov as a mighty bull, holding on his horns that chopped the Earth was located in the central square of Ashgabat.[9] The basis of the design of the monument lay an ancient legend about the fantastic bull, keep on their horns solid Earth. The bodies of the dead peoples and a woman, the last desperate hand movements saving her baby, lifting it over the ruins of the city.

Monument Baky şöhrat (Eternal glory)

Monument to the fallen in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War. Until 2014 it was called the «Eternal flame» and was located in the center of Ashgabat, dismantled in the reconstruction of the park area. The new monument is significantly different from the former; four 27-meter high steles embodying the unfolding flower, were replaced with five steles with a base in the form of eight-pointed star. The monument was unveiled in 1970 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Victory.[10]

Monument Milletiň ogullary

The monument depicts the Mother and bowed his head in a bow son. Until 2014, the monument was located in the center of Ashgabat. Was built in commemoration of the heroes of other battles for the Motherland (Turkmenistan).[11]

Museum «Watan mukaddesligi»

The museum has two halls - Ýer titreme (Museum of the earthquake) and Sowes (War Museum). The hall dedicated to the memory of the defenders of the fortress Geok Tepe, is the layout of the fortress, the real cold and firearms, clothing and military equipment combatants, archival documents and photographs, diorama Battle of Geok Tepe. In the room dedicated to Turkmen citizens who fell in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 exhibited exposition with works of Turkmen painters, graphic artists, sculptors, ceramists. A separate exposition hall reconstructed picture of the Ashgabat earthquake, photographs and exhibits of documentary chronicles.[12]


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