Asef Hadjiyev

Asef Hadjiyev is a Member of Parliament, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, academician, manager of the chair of probability theory and mathematical statistics in BSU.[1]


Asaf Hajiyev was born on May 29, 1951 in Ganja. He graduated Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. He is doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. He is a member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He is author of 2 books and 100 scientific articles. He knows Russian and English. He is the member of the Statistical Society of Bernoulli of Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory, 3rd World Academy. He had been senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Cybernetics since 1979. He had been head of sector in the same university since 1990, had been professor of "Bogazici" university since 1993. Today he works in BSU as manager of chair of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. In 2006 he was selected as a deputy from Ganja. He is a member of Azerbaijan-UK, Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic, Azerbaijan-India, Azerbaijan-Indonesia, Azerbaijan-Canada the working group on interparliamentary relations. He is married and has 3 children.

Basic scientific achievements

1. The function of delays of service management requirements is entered for queuing Systems and in this class Control Theory is created for queuing Systems. Large class of queuing systems can be managed is revealed, the average waiting time minimizing requirements for optimal control function found. 2. Letters of different alphabets on computer keyboards Statistical approach has been proposed for an optimal placement. This approach was proposed in accordance with the optimal placement of the letters on computer keyboards. Duzuluslərlə than optimal alignment of the hands so far and at the same time texts saving time reduces the burden.

The main scientific works

  1. Delays minimizing a waiting time in systems with recurrent scientific services. Scand. J. Statist., (1985), 12, pp. 301–307.
  2. Estimation of unknown parameters and Construction of a confidence band for unknown functions in regression models. Mathematical Sciences, 1995, v.75 , №6, рp. 42–50.
  3. On a standard placement of Letters of Azeri Alphabetic on Keyboard. Trans. Azerb. National Acad. Sci. ser. Phys., Mathem., Techn., 2002, v.12, No. 2, pp. 20–25.
  4. Control by Delay of a Service Systems. Operation Research, 2002, No. 1, pp. 86–89. Physica- Verlag, Spinger-Verlag.
  5. Mathematical theory of regression models with increasing number of unknown parameters. Nonlinear models. Research Report №1, 2004. Lincoln University, Oakland, USA.
  6. Statistical Analysis of the Regression Models with İncreasing Numbers of Unknown Parameters. Fern Universitat in Hagen, Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, Band 76, 2005. pp. 133–146.
  7. On solving Statistical Problems for the Stochastic Processes by the Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method. Book: Publ. ”Birkhauser”, Holland, Amsterdam, 2007.
  8. Asaf Hajiyev, Hilala Alimardan Jafarova, Turan Shakir Mammadov, Mathematical Models of Moving Particles without Overtaking and Applications for Queues. //Proceeding of the Fifth İntern.Conf. Management Science and Engineering Management, Macau, P. R. China, November, 2011, pp. 139–143.
  9. Asaf Hajiyev, Regression models with increasing numbers of unknown parameters. International Encyklopedia of Statistical Science, Springer, 2011.
  10. Asaf Hajiyev, Hilala Alimardan Jafarova, Turan Shakir Mammadov, Mathematical Models of Moving Particles without Overtaking and Applications for Queues. //The Fifth İntern. Conf. Management Science and Engineering Management, Macau, P. R. China, November 7 to 9, 2011.
  11. Asaf Hajıyev, A.Gasiımov Research of one linear system of mass service from not ordinary entering stream, Türk Dünyası Riyaziyyat Konqresi. Bakı, Jule, 2011.
  12. Asaf Hajiyev, Assessment of Academic Performance of Azerbaijani Universities, The International Conference “Applications of İnformation and Communication Texnologies”. 12–14 October 2011. "Qafqaz" University.
  13. Statistical evaluation of regression models with dependent errors of observations. Teor. application. (1989), t. 34, No. 4, s. 764–768.
  14. shuttle control (Shuttle) with random volume systems. Dokl. Russian Academy of Sciences, Mathematics. (1999), t. 380, No. 5
  15. Linear regression models with the growing number of unknown parameters. Dokl. RAN, Mathematics. 2004 t. 399, No. 3.
  16. Hajiyev, T. Mammadov Mathematical models of moving particles and their applications. Theory application. 2011, №3.



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