Aryepiglottic muscle

Aryepiglotticus muscle

Sagittal section of the larynx and upper part of the trachea (arytenoideus visible at center right)
Origin Apex of arytenoid
Insertion Lateral border of epiglottis
Artery Larygeal branch of superior thyroid artery
Nerve Inferior laryngeal nerve (from the vagus nerve)
Actions Close the inlet
Latin Pars aryepiglottica musculi arytaenoidei obliqui, musculus aryepiglotticus
TA A06.2.08.011
FMA 46602

Anatomical terms of muscle

The aryepiglotticus is a muscle of the larynx running in the aryepiglottic fold from the arytenoid cartilage to the epiglottis.

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