Arts First

Arts First is a celebration held at Harvard University each May that includes performances or shows involving virtually every musical, theatrical, and artistic group on campus. It was founded by alum John Lithgow in 1994 as a festival honoring the enormous artistic community at Harvard, and has since grown each year to include hundreds of performances.

Harvard Arts Medal

The Harvard Arts Medal[1] was established in 1995 to recognize excellence and demonstrated achievement in the arts by a Harvard or Radcliffe alumnus/a or faculty member. The medal is given to an individual who has achieved distinction in the arts and who has made a special contribution to the good of the arts, to the public good in relation to the arts, or to education. It is awarded by the Office of Governing Boards and the President of Harvard at the recommendation of a committee of faculty, alumni and administrators, which is convened by the OFA.


Arts Medal year Recipient
1995 Jack Lemmon ‘47
1996 Pete Seeger ‘40
1997 Bonnie Raitt ‘72
1998 John Updike ‘54
1999 David Hays ‘52
2000 John Harbison ‘60
2001 Peter Sellars ‘80
2002 William Christie ‘66
2003 Mira Nair ‘79
2004 Yo-Yo Ma ‘76
2005 Maxine Kumin ‘46
2006 Christopher Durang ‘71
2007 John Adams ’69 MA ‘72
2008 Joshua Redman '91
2009 Fred Ho '79 and John Ashbery '49
2010 Catherine Lord '70
2011 Susan Meiselas Ed.M. ’71[2]
2012 Tommy Lee Jones '69
2013 Matt Damon '92


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