Apache VXQuery

Apache VXQuery (or Versatile XQuery) is a standards-compliant XML Query processor that is implemented in Java. It is still in the Apache Incubator and may be added to the projects in the near future. Apache VXQuery is developed to meet demands to process semi-structured data in applications. Apache VXQuery complies to the W3C-standardized XML Query Language v1.0.[1]


Apache VXQuery unites the imperative component of Java and the XQuery declarative programming. The project will enable developers to use XQuery to navigate and transform application objects declaratively in Java applications with minimal overhead.[1]


  1. 1 2 "Apache VXQuery". http://incubator.apache.org: Apache Software Foundation. 2011-01-03. Retrieved 2011-05-02. Apache VXQuery (Versatile XQuery) will be a standards compliant XML Query processor implemented in Java. We believe that there exists a strong (and growing) need to process semi-structured data in many applications. The W3C standardized v1.0 of the XML Query Language in early 2007. Since then, a few processors have surfaced (both commercial and open source). VXQuery will implement this standard.

See also

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