Annals of Essenbæk

The Annals of Essenbæk are annals with historical notices regarding the years 1020-1323, which until the 1260s were referred from the Annals of Ryd.

In the Annals of Essenbæk there is described a society which from ca. 1262 to 1323 is characterized by conflicts between kings and archbishops, imprudent warfare, large tax burdens, ruin, peasant revolts and outlaws in Jutland. Whoever wrote the annals favored peace between the king and the Church, as well as with foreign countries, but also the king's counterpart in the conflict from 1314 to 1320.

Whoever wrote the annals was interested in the peasants' circumstances, but several of the notices in the annals are ecclesiastical. In 1773 J. Langebek therefore deemed, with reference to the notices regarding Essenbæk Abbey and Randers, that the annals are from Essenbæk Abbey.[1] That the first notice in the annals is in regards to the establishment of the Cluniac Order, indicates that Essenbæk Abbey was Cluniac when the annals were written.[2]

The first edition is lost,[3] but four later editions are known. One is perhaps referred from a Medieval manuscript, and the three others are referred from a since lost manuscript by Hans Svanning.[4] An edition in Uppsala University Library is translated to Danish and published by Ellen Jørgensen in Annales Danici.[3]

In the annals is e.g. noted down that:

In the annals are also noted when prominent foreign churchmen died and prominent foreign monasteries were established, and the annals include a list of the popes until then.[7]


  1. Skov, Sigvard Preben (1937). Essenbækaarbogen in Jyske Samlinger. Aarhus, Denmark; Jysk Selskab for Historie, Sprog og Litteratur, pp. 100-103
  2. 1 2 Lorenzen, Vilhelm (1933). De danske benediktinerklostres bygningshistorie. Copenhagen, Denmark: G. E. C. Gad, p. 95
  3. 1 2 Jexlev, Thelma (1977). VEJLEDENDE ARKIVREGISTRATURER XVIII. LOKALARKIVER TIL 1559. GEJSTLIGE ARKIVER II: Odense stift, jyske stifter og Slesvig stift. Copenhagen, Denmark; Rigsarkivet, p. 226
  4. Knudsen, Anders Leegaard (2010). Annales Danici. Bergen, Norway; Universitety of Bergen [Retrieved 2016-12-11]
  5. Skov, Sigvard Preben (1937). Essenbækaarbogen in Jyske Samlinger. Aarhus, Denmark; Jysk Selskab for Historie, Sprog og Litteratur, p. 102
  6. Daugaard, Jacob Brøgger (1830). Om de danske klostre i middelalderen. Copenhagen, Denmark; Andreas Seidelin, p. 407
  7. Skov, Sigvard Preben (1937). Essenbækaarbogen in Jyske Samlinger. Aarhus, Denmark; Jysk Selskab for Historie, Sprog og Litteratur, pp. 100-104
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