Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri

Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri is a contemporary Italian archaeologist based at the Università del Salento[1][2] whose research focuses on Italian prehistory.

Education and Career

Bietti Sestieri received her undergraduate degree in Etruscology after studying at Rome under Massimo Pallottino from 1964 to 1966.[3] In the early 1970s her work was funded by the award of several Macnamara fellowships. From 1974 onward she served as an archaeological specialist in Italian prehistory for the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, directing major excavations during that time. From 2003 to 2009 she served as president of the Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria and from 1995 to 2003 she was the Soprintendente archeologo dell’ Abruzzo.[4] Since 2006 she has been a member of the department of European protohistory at the Università del Salento.


Her record of publication on Italian prehistory is extensive and she has organized several major museum exhibitions. She is best known for leading the excavations of the Iron Age necropolis of Osteria dell'Osa located to the east of Rome, Italy.[5][6] She has excavated extensively in Italy, including major excavations at Osteria dell'Osa, Castiglione, and Fidenae, as well as excavations at Frattesina di Fratta Polesine (Rovigo), and Specchia Artanisi di Ugento.[7]

She received the Europa Prize from the Prehistoric Society in 1996.[3]





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