

The PSO-1 reticle in a Dragunov sniper rifle has 10 horizontal lines with 1-mil spacing, which can be used to compensate for wind drift or for range estimation.
Unit information
Unit system SI derived unit
Unit of Angle
Symbol milormrad
Named after The metric prefix mille (Latin for "one thousand") and the radian
In units Dimensionless with an arc length one thousandth of the radius, i.e. 1 mm/m or 1 m/km
Unit conversions
1 mil in ...... is equal to ...
   radians    1/1000 radian
   turns    1/2000π turn
   gons    1/5π ≈ 0.063662g
   degrees    9/50π ≈ 0.057296°
   arcminutes    54/5π ≈ 3.4377′

A milliradian, often called a mil or mrad, is an SI derived unit for angular measurement which is defined as a thousandth of a radian (0.001 radian). Mils are used in adjustment of firearm sights by adjusting the angle of the sight compared to the barrel (up, down, left or right). Mils are also used for comparing shot groupings, or to compare the difficulty of hitting different sized targets at different distances. Using optics with mil markings in the reticle one can make a range estimation of a known size target, or vice versa to determine a target size if the distance is known, a practice called "milling".

Milliradians are generally used for very small angles, which allows for precise mathematical simplifications to more easily calculate back and forth between the angular separation observed in an optic, linear subtension on target and range. In such applications it is useful to use a unit for target size that is a thousandth of the unit for range, for instance by using the metric units millimeters for target size and meters for range. This coincides with the definition of the milliradian where the arc length is defined as 1/1000 of the radius. A common adjustment value in firearm sights is 1 cm at 100 meters which equals 10 mm/100 m = 1/10 mil.

The true definition of a milliradian is based on a unit circle with a radius of one and an arc divided into 1000 mils per radian, hence 2000π or approximately 6283.185 milliradians in one turn, and rifle scope adjustments and reticles are calibrated to this definition.[1] There are also other definitions used for land mapping and artillery which are rounded to more easily be divided into smaller parts. For instance there are compasses with 6400 NATO mils, 6000 Warsaw Pact mils or 6300 Swedish "streck" per turn instead of 360° or 2000π, achieving higher resolution than a 360° compass while also being easier to divide into parts than if true milliradians were used.


The Palais de Rumine, one of the former buildings of the University of Lausanne.

The milliradian (approximately 6283.185 in a circle) was first used in the mid nineteenth century by Charles-Marc Dapples (1837–1920), a Swiss engineer and professor at the University of Lausanne.[2] Degrees and minutes were the usual units of angular measurement but others were being proposed, with "grads" (400 gradians in a circle) under various names having considerable popularity in much of northern Europe. However, Imperial Russia used a different approach, dividing a circle into equilateral triangles (60° per triangle, 6 triangles in a circle) and hence 600 units to a circle.

Around the time of the start of World War I, France was experimenting with the use of milliemes (6400 in a circle) for use with artillery sights instead of decigrades (4000 in a circle). The United Kingdom was also trialing them to replace degrees and minutes. They were adopted by France although decigrades also remained in use throughout World War I. Other nations also used decigrades. The United States, which copied many French artillery practices, adopted mils (6400 in a circle). Before 2007 the Swedish defence forces used "streck" (6300 in a circle, streck meaning lines or marks) (together with degrees for some navigation) which is closer to the milliradian but then changed to NATO mils. After the Bolshevik Revolution and the adoption of the metric system of measurement (e.g. artillery replaced "units of base" with meters) the Red Army expanded the 600 unit circle into a 6000 mil one. Hence the Russian mil has a somewhat different origin than those derived from French artillery practices.

In the 1950s, NATO adopted metric units of measurement for land and general use. Mils, meters, and kilograms became standard, although degrees remained in use for naval and air purposes, reflecting civil practices.

Mathematical principle

Left: An angle of 1 radian (marked green, approximately 57.3°) corresponds to an angle where the length of the arc (blue) is equal to the radius of the circle (red).
Right: A milliradian corresponds to 1/1000 of the angle of a radian. (The image on the right is exaggerated for illustration, as a milliradian is much smaller in reality).
For small observed angles (green) the arc length (blue) approaches the subtension (orange).

Use of the milliradian is practical because it is concerned with small angles, and when using radians the small angle approximation shows that the angle approximates to the sine of the angle, that is . This allows a user to dispense with trigonometry and use simple ratios to determine size and distance with high accuracy for rifle and short distance artillery calculations by using the handy property of subtension: One mil approximately subtends one meter at a distance of one thousand meters.

More in detail, because , instead of finding the angular distance denoted by θ (Greek letter theta) by using the tangent function


one can instead make a good approximation by using the definition of a radian and the simplified formula:

Since a radian is mathematically defined as the angle formed when the length of a circular arc equals the radius of the circle, a milliradian, is the angle formed when the length of a circular arc equals 1/1000 of the radius of the circle. Just like the radian, the milliradian is dimensionless, but unlike the radian where the same unit must be used for radius and arc length, the milliradian needs to have a ratio between the units where the subtension is a thousandth of the radius when using the simplified formula.

Approximation error

The approximation error by using the simplified linear formula will increase as the angle increases. For example, a

The approximation using mils is more precise than using another common system where 1′ is approximated as 1 inch at 100 yards, where comparably there is a:

Sight adjustment

Mil adjustment is commonly used as a unit for clicks in the mechanical adjustment knobs (turrets) of iron and scope sights both in the military and civilian shooting sports. New shooters are often explained the principle of subtensions in order to understand that a milliradian is an angular measurement. Subtension is the physical amount of space covered by an angle and varies with distance. Thus, the subtension corresponding to a mil (either in a mil reticle or in mil adjustments) varies with range. Knowing subtensions at different ranges can be useful for sighting in a firearm if there is no optic with a mil reticle available, but involve mathematical calculations and are therefore not used very much in practical applications. Subtensions always change with distance, but a mil (as observed through an optic) is always a mil regardless of distance. Therefore, ballistic tables and shot corrections are given in mils thereby avoiding the need for mathematical calculations.

If a rifle scope has mil markings in the reticle (or there is a spotting scope with a mil reticle available), the reticle can be used to measure how many mils to correct a shot even without knowing the shooting distance. For instance, assuming a precise shot fired by an experienced shooter missed the target by 0.8 mils as seen through an optic, and the firearm sight has 0.1 mil adjustments, the shooter must then dial 8 clicks on the scope to hit the same target under the same conditions.

Common click values

General purpose scopes

1/4′, 1/10 mil and 1/2′ is used in general purpose sights for hunting, target and long range shooting at varied distances, since the click values are fine enough to get dialed in for most target shooting and coarse enough to keep the number of clicks down when dialing.

Speciality scopes

1/40 mil, 1/8′ and 1/20 mil is used in speciality scope sights for extreme precision at fixed target ranges such as benchrest shooting. Some specialty iron sights used in ISSF 10 m, 50 m and 300 meter rifle come with adjustments in either 1/20 mil or 1/40 mil. The small adjustment value means these sights can be adjusted in very small increments. These fine adjustments are however not very well suited for dialing between varied distances such as in field shooting because of the high number of clicks that will be required to move the line of sight, making it easier to lose track of the number of clicks than in scopes with larger click adjustments. For instance to move the line of sight 0.4 mil, a 0.1 mil scope must be adjusted 4 clicks, while comparably a 0.05 mil and 0.025 mil scope must be adjusted 8 and 16 clicks respectively.


1.5/10 mil and 2/10 mil can be found in some short range sights, mostly with capped turrets, but are not very widely used.

Subtensions at different distances

Illustration of sight adjustment with 0.1 milliradian increment.

Subtensions in mil based optics are particularly useful together with target sizes and shooting distances in metric units. Since a mil is an angular measurement, the length of the area covered by the angle increase with distance. A common scope adjustment increment in rifle scopes is 0.1 mil, which are sometimes called "one centimeter clicks" since 0.1 mil equals exactly 1 cm at 100 meters, 2 cm at 200 meters, etc. Similarly, an adjustment click on a scope with 0.2 mil adjustment will move the point of bullet impact 2 cm at 100 m and 4 cm at 200 m, etc. Impact change at different ranges can be calculated by the formula:

For instance:

In firearm optics, where 0.1 mil per click is the most common mil based adjustment value, another common way to think is that:

One click changes the impact as many centimeters as there are hundreds of meters.

I.e 1 cm at 100 meters, 2.25 cm at 225 meters, 0.5 cm at 50 meters, etc., see the table below

Range in
110 mil
in cm
110 mil
in mm
1 mil
in cm
1 mil
in mm
100 m 1 cm 10 mm 10 cm 100 mm
200 m 2 cm 20 mm 20 cm 200 mm
300 m 3 cm 30 mm 30 cm 300 mm
400 m 4 cm 40 mm 40 cm 400 mm
500 m 5 cm 50 mm 50 cm 500 mm
600 m 6 cm 60 mm 60 cm 600 mm
700 m 7 cm 70 mm 70 cm 700 mm
800 m 8 cm 80 mm 80 cm 800 mm
900 m 9 cm 90 mm 90 cm 900 mm
1000 m 10 cm 100 mm 100 cm 1000 mm

Adjustment range and base tilt

The horizontal and vertical adjustment range of a firearm sight is often advertised by the manufacturer using mils. For instance a rifle scope may be advertised as having a vertical adjustment range of 20 mils, which means that by turning the turret the bullet impact can be moved a total of 20 meters at 1000 meters (or 2 m at 100 m, 4 m at 200 m, 6 m at 300 m etc.). The horizontal and vertical adjustment ranges can be different for a particular sight, for instance a scope may have 20 mils vertical and 10 mils horizontal adjustment. Elevation differ between models, but about 10–11 mils are common in hunting scopes, while scopes made for long range shooting usually can have an adjustment range of 30–50 mils.

Sights can either be mounted in neutral or tilted mounts. In a neutral mount (also known as "flat base" or non-tilted mount) the sight will point reasonably parallel to the barrel, and be close to a zero at 100 meters (about 1 mil low depending on rifle and caliber). After zeroing at 100 meters the sight will thereafter always have to be adjusted upwards to compensate for bullet drop at longer ranges, and therefore the adjustment below zero will never be used. This means that when using a neutral mount only about half of the scope's total elevation will be usable for shooting at longer ranges:

In most regular sport and hunting rifles (except for in long range shooting), sights are usually mounted in neutral mounts. This is done because the optical quality of the scope is best in the middle of its adjustment range, and only being able to use half of the adjustment range to compensate for bullet drop is seldom a problem at short and medium range shooting.

However, in long range shooting tilted scope mounts are common since it is very important to have enough vertical adjustment to compensate for the bullet drop at longer distances. For this purpose scope mounts are sold with varying degrees of tilt, but some common values are:

With a tilted mount the maximum usable scope elevation can be found by:

The adjustment range needed to shoot at a certain distance vary with firearm, caliber and load. For example, with a certain .308 load and firearm combination, the bullet may drop 13 mils at 1000 meters (13 meters). To be able to reach out, one could either:

Shot groupings

Two shot groupings obtained with different firearms at different distances.
The group on the left measures about 13 mm and was fired at about 45 meters, which equals 13 mm/45 m = 0.289 mils.
The group on the right measures about 7 mm and was fired at about 90 meters, which equals 7 mm/90 m = 0.078 mils.

A shot grouping is the spread of multiple shots on a target, taken in one shooting session. The group size on target in milliradians can be obtained by measuring the spread of the rounds on target in millimeters with a caliper and dividing by the shooting distance in meters. This way, using mils, one can easily compare shot groupings or target difficulties at different shooting distances.

If the firearm is attached in a fixed mount and aimed at a target, the shot grouping measures the firearms mechanical precision and the uniformity of the ammunition. When the firearm also is held by a shooter, the shot grouping partly measures the precision of the firearm and ammunition, and partly the shooter's consistency and skill. Often the shooters' skill is the most important element towards achieving a tight shot grouping, especially when competitors are using the same match grade firearms and ammunition.

Range estimation with mil reticles

"FinDot" reticle as used by Finnish Defence Forces snipers (a regular Mil-dot reticle with the addition of 400 m – 1200 m holdover (stadiametric) rangefinding brackets for 1 meter high or 0.5 meter wide targets at 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 m).

Many telescopic sights used on rifles have reticles that are marked in mils. This can either be accomplished with lines or dots, and the latter is generally called mil-dots. The mil reticle serves two purposes, range estimation and trajectory correction.

With a mil reticle-equipped scope the distance to an object can be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy by a trained user by determining how many angular mils an object of known size subtends. Once the distance is known, the drop of the bullet at that range (see external ballistics), converted back into angular mils, can be used to adjust the aiming point. Generally mil-reticle scopes have both horizontal and vertical crosshairs marked; the horizontal and vertical marks are used for range estimation and the vertical marks for bullet drop compensation. Trained users, however, can also use the horizontal dots to compensate for bullet drift due to wind. Mil-reticle-equipped scopes are well suited for long shots under uncertain conditions, such as those encountered by military and law enforcement snipers, varmint hunters and other field shooters. These riflemen must be able to aim at varying targets at unknown (sometimes long) distances, so accurate compensation for bullet drop is required.

Estimating range using the hands on an extended arm as a reference for the angular size in mils.
Mildot chart as used by snipers.

Angle can be used for either calculating target size or range if one of them are known. Where the range is known the angle will give the size, where the size is known then the range is given. When out in the field angle can be measured approximately by using calibrated optics or roughly using one's fingers and hands. With an outstretched arm one finger is approximately 30 mils wide, a fist 150 mils and a spread hand 300 mils.

Mil reticles often have dots or marks with a spacing of one mil in between, but graduations can also be finer and coarser (i.e. 0.8 or 1.2 mil).

Units for target size and range

While a radian is defined as an angle on the unit circle where the arc and radius have equal length, a milliradian is defined as the angle where the arc length is one thousandth of the radius. Therefore, when using milliradians for range estimation, the unit used for target distance needs to be thousand times as large as the unit used for target size. Metric units are particularly useful in conjunction with a mil reticle because the mental arithmetic is much simpler with decimal units, thereby requiring less mental calculation in the field. Using the range estimation formula with the units meters for range and millimeters for target size it is just a matter of moving decimals and do the division, without the need of multiplication with additional constants, thus producing fewer rounding errors.

The same holds true for calculating target distance in kilometers using target size in meters.

Also, in general the same unit can be used for subtension and range if multiplied with a factor of thousand, i.e.

If using the imperial units yards for distance and inches for target size, one has to multiply by a factor of 100036 ≈ 27.78, since there are 36 inches in one yard.

If using the metric unit meters for distance and the imperial unit inches for target size, one has to multiply by a factor of 25.4, since one inch is defined as 25.4 millimeters.

Practical examples

Land Rovers are about 3 to 4 m long, "smaller tank" or APC/MICV at about 6 m (e.g. T-34 or BMP) and about 10 m for a "big tank." From the front a Land Rover is about 1.5 m wide, most tanks around 3 - 3.5 m. So a SWB Land Rover from the side are one finger wide at about 100 m. A modern tank would have to be at a bit over 300 m.

If for instance a target known to be 1.5 m in height (1500 mm) is measured to 2.8 mils in the reticle, the range can be estimated to:

So if the above-mentioned 6 m long BMP (6000 mm) is viewed at 6 mils its distance is 1000 m, and if the angle of view is twice as large (12 mils) the distance is half as much, 500 m.

When used with some riflescopes of variable objective magnification and fixed reticle magnification (where the reticle is in the second focal plane), the formula can be modified to:

Where mag is scope magnification. However, a user should verify this with their individual scope since some are not calibrated at 10×. As above target distance and target size can be given in any two units of length with a ratio of 1000:1.

Mixing mil and minutes of arc

It is possible to purchase rifle scopes with a mix of for instance a mil reticle and minute-of-arc turrets (or vice versa), but it is general consensus that such mixing should be avoided. It is preferred to either have both a mil reticle and mil adjustment (mil/ mil), or a minute-of-arc reticle and minute-of-arc adjustment to utilize the strength of each system. Then the shooter can know exactly how many clicks to correct based on what he sees in the reticle.

If using a mixed system scope that has a mil reticle and arcminute adjustment, one way to make use of the reticle for shot corrections is to exploit that 14′ approximately eqauals 4 mils, and thereby multiplying an observed corrections in mils by a fraction of 144 when adjusting the turrets.

Conversion table

Comparison of milliradian (mil) and minute of arc (moa).

In the table below conversions from mil to metric values are exact (e.g. 0.1 mil equals exactly 1 cm at 100 meters), while conversions of minutes of arc to both metric and imperial values are approximate.

Conversion between common sight adjustments based on milliradian and minute of arc
of arc

mm @
100 m
cm @
100 m
in @
100 m
in @
100 yd
112 0.083′ 0.024 mil 2.42 mm 0.242 cm 0.0958 in 0.087 in
140 mil 0.086′ 0.025 mil 2.5 mm 0.25 cm 0.0985 in 0.09 in
18 0.125′ 0.036 mil 3.64 mm 0.36 cm 0.144 in 0.131 in
16 0.167′ 0.0485 mil 4.85 mm 0.485 cm 0.192 in 0.175 in
120 mil 0.172′ 0.05 mil 5 mm 0.5 cm 0.197 in 0.18 in
14 0.25′ 0.073 mil 7.27 mm 0.73 cm 0.29 in 0.26 in
110 mil 0.344′ 0.1 mil 10 mm 1 cm 0.39 in 0.36 in
12 0.5′ 0.145 mil 14.54 mm 1.45 cm 0.57 in 0.52 in
1.510 mil 0.516′ 0.15 mil 15 mm 1.5 cm 0.59 in 0.54 in
210 mil 0.688′ 0.2 mil 20 mm 2 cm 0.79 in 0.72 in
1′ 1.0′ 0.291 mil 29.1 mm 2.91 cm 1.15 in 1.047 in
1 mil 3.438′ 1 mil 100 mm 10 cm 3.9 in 3.6 in

(Values in bold face are exact.)

Definitions for maps and artillery

Map measure M/70 of the NATO member Denmark with the full circle divided into 6400 NATO mils
In the Swiss Army, 6400 "artillery per milles" ("Artilleriepromille") are used to indicate an absolute indication of direction by using the notation that 0 A ‰ (corresponding to 6400 A ‰) points to the north, instead of using NATO mils where direction is always relative to the target (0 or 6400 NATO mils is always towards target).

Because of the definition of pi, in a circle with a diameter of one there are 2000π milliradians (≈ 6283.185 mil) per full turn. In other words, one real milliradian covers just under 1/6283 of the circumference of a circle, which is the definition used by telescopic rifle sight manufacturers in reticles for stadiametric rangefinding.

For maps and artillery, three rounded definitions are used which are close to the real definition, but more easily can be divided into parts. The different map and artillery definitions are:

Reticles in some artillery sights are calibrated to the relevant artillery definition for that military, i.e. the Carl Zeiss OEM-2 artillery sight made in DDR from 1969 to 1976 is calibrated for the eastern block 6000 mil circle.

Conversion table

Conversion between true milliradian and derived units for maps and artillery
Milliradian NATO mil Warsaw Pact Mil Swedish streck Turn Degrees Minute of arc
1 milliradian = 1 1.018592 0.954930 1.002677 12000π 0.057296 3.437747
1 NATO mil = 0.981719 1 0.9375 0.984375 16400 0.05625 3.375
1 Warsaw Pact mil = 1.047167 1.066667 1 1.05 16000 0.06 3.6
1 Swedish streck = 0.997302 1.015873 0.952381 1 16300 0.057143 3.428572
1 Nautical line = 196.349541 200 187.5 1 132 11.25 675
1 degree = 17.452778 17.777778 16.666667 17.5 1360 1 60
1 minute of arc = 0.290880 0.296297 0.277778 0.291667 121600 0.016667 1

(Values in bold face are exact.)

Use in artillery sights

Artillery uses angular measurement in gun laying, the azimuth between the gun and its target many kilometres away and the elevation angle of the barrel. This means that artillery uses mils to graduate indirect fire azimuth sights (called dial sights or panoramic telescopes), their associated instruments (directors or aiming circles), their elevation sights (clinometers or quadrants), together with their manual plotting devices, firing tables and fire control computers.

Artillery spotters typically use their calibrated binoculars to walk fire onto a target. Here they know the approximate range to the target and so can read off the angle (+ quick calculation) to give the left/right corrections in metres.

See also


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