Angelo Traina

Angelo Traina (January 22, 1889 - November 4, 1971), also known as A. B. Traina, was a Biblical scholar, best known for his emphasis on restoring "Semitic proper names to their Aramaic and Hebrew forms".

Traina was born in Sicily, into a Catholic family. They later moved to New York City, where he left home at the age of 13, ending up in Buffalo. Part of a group of drinking and gambling youths, he was part of a conspiracy to disrupt a revival meeting, but instead converted, joining a Protestant church. He later worked for Aimee Semple McPherson.

His Biblical studies resulted in his translating the The Sacred Name New Testament (1950), with C. O. Dodd, the first example of a sacred name Bible. He went on to translate the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures also, in The Holy Name Bible containing the Holy Name Version of the Old and New Testaments (1963). A fifth edition was published in 1989 by the Scripture Research Association, based in New Jersey.

He also wrote many pamphlets and articles, many of which were published in the magazine The Faith. Traina was one of the early figures in the Sacred Name Movement, having been a featured speaker at the 1938 Feast of Tabernacles Camp Meeting near Warrior, Alabama, an event which is seen by some as the launching of the movement.


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