
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Tribe: Poranthereae
Genus: Andrachne
Type species
Andrachne telephioides

Andrachne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Phyllanthaceae described by Linnaeus in 1753.[3][4] It is one of eight genera in the tribe Poranthereae.[5]

They are monoecious herbs or subshrubs, native to semideserts and desert margins of the Americas, southern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia.[2][5] Linnaeus took the name from Theophrastus, but it is not clear to which plant Theophrastus applied the name.[6][7]

  1. Andrachne afghanica - Afghanistan
  2. Andrachne aspera - NW Africa, E Africa + SW Asia from Egypt + Ethiopia to Pakistan
  3. Andrachne brittonii - Cuba, Haiti
  4. Andrachne buschiana - Transcaucasus
  5. Andrachne ephemera - Ethiopia
  6. Andrachne fedtschenkoi - Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan
  7. Andrachne filiformis - Transcaucasus
  8. Andrachne fragilis - Somalia
  9. Andrachne fruticulosa - SW Iran
  10. Andrachne maroccana - Morocco
  11. Andrachne merxmuelleri - Iran
  12. Andrachne microphylla - Baja California Sur, Sonora, Peru
  13. Andrachne minutifolia - N Iran
  14. Andrachne pulvinata - N Iran
  15. Andrachne pusilla - Tadzhikistan
  16. Andrachne pygmaea - Kyrgyzstan
  17. Andrachne ramosa - Iran
  18. Andrachne reflexa - Iran
  19. Andrachne schweinfurthii - Somalia, Socotra
  20. Andrachne stenophylla - S Turkmenistan, N Iran
  21. Andrachne telephioides - Mediterranean, E Africa, SW + S + C Asia
  22. Andrachne virgatenuis - Tadzhikistan
formerly included[2]

moved to other genera: Bischofia Breynia Bridelia Cleistanthus Leptopus Meineckia Notoleptopus Phyllanthus Phyllanthopsis Pseudophyllanthus Sauropus

  1. A. apetala - Bischofia javanica
  2. A. arborea - Phyllanthus grandifolius
  3. A. arida - Phyllanthopsis arida
  4. A. attenuata - Leptopus clarkei
  5. A. australis - Leptopus australis
  6. A. bodinieri - Leptopus chinensis
  7. A. cadishaco - Cleistanthus collinus
  8. A. cadishan - Leptopus chinensis
  9. A. calcarea - Leptopus australis
  10. A. capensis - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  11. A. capillipes - Leptopus chinensis
  12. A. cavaleriei - Leptopus chinensis
  13. A. cerebroides - Meineckia cerebroides
  14. A. chinensis - Leptopus chinensis
  15. A. clarkei - Leptopus clarkei
  16. A. colchica - Leptopus chinensis
  17. A. cordifolia - Leptopus cordifolius
  18. A. cuneifolia - Phyllanthus cuneifolius
  19. A. decaisneana - Leptopus cordifolius
  20. A. decaisnei - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  21. A. doonkyboisca - Bridelia retusa
  22. A. dregeana - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  23. A. elliptica - Bridelia montana
  24. A. emicans - Leptopus emicans
  25. A. esquirolii - Leptopus clarkei
  26. A. fruticosa L. - Breynia fruticosa
  27. A. fruticosa Decne. ex Müll.Arg. - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  28. A. fruticosa B.Heyne ex Hook.f. - Meineckia parvifolia
  29. A. fruticosa var. orbicularis (Benth.) Pax & K.Hoffm. - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  30. A. gracilipes - Meineckia gracilipes
  31. A. hainanensis - Leptopus hainanensis
  32. A. hirsuta - Leptopus chinensis
  33. A. hirta - Leptopus australis
  34. A. hypoglauca - Leptopus clarkei
  35. A. lanceolata - Leptopus australis
  36. A. lolonum - Leptopus chinensis
  37. A. montana - Leptopus chinensis
  38. A. nana - Leptopus chinensis
  39. A. orbicularis - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  40. A. orbiculata - Cleistanthus collinus
  41. A. ovalis - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  42. A. ovata - Sauropus androgynus
  43. A. pachyphylla - Leptopus pachyphyllus
  44. A. persicariifolia - Leptopus clarkei
  45. A. phyllanthoides - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  46. A. polypetala - Leptopus australis
  47. A. pumila - Phyllanthus caroliniensis
  48. A. reverchonii - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  49. A. robinsonii - Leptopus robinsonii
  50. A. roemeriana - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  51. A. schaffneriana - Phyllanthus caroliniensis
  52. A. tenera - Leptopus australis
  53. A. trifoliata - Bischofia javanica
  54. A. yunnanensis - Leptopus chinensis


  1. lectotype designated by Britton et Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S. ed. 2. 2: 453 (1913).
  2. 1 2 3 4 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. Linnaeus, Carl von. 1753. Species Plantarum 2: 1014
  4. Tropicos, Andrachne L.
  5. 1 2 Maria S. Vorontsova and Petra Hoffmann. 2008. "A phylogenetic classification of tribe Poranthereae (Phyllanthaceae)." Kew Bulletin 63(1):41-59.
  6. Umberto Quattrocchi. 2000. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names volume I, page 135. CRC Press: Boca Raton; New York; Washington, DC;, USA. London, UK. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2 (vol. I) (see External links below).
  7. Andrachne In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile (see External links below).
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