Cherifian Anthem

Cherifian Anthem
النشيد الوطني المغربي

Mohammed VI, king of Morocco.

National anthem of  Morocco

Lyrics Ali Squalli Houssaini, 1970
Music Léo Morgan, 1956
Audio sample
Cherifian Anthem (instrumental)
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A score of the hymne of Morocco

The Cherifian Anthem (Arabic: النشيد الوطني المغربي) has been the anthem of the Kingdom of Morocco even before the country gained its independence in 1956. Its music was written by Léo Morgan, and the final Arabic lyrics by Ali Squalli Houssaini in 1970.


Arabic lyrics Berber lyrics Arabic Transliteration Berber Transliteration English translation

منبت الأحرار مشرق الأنوار منتدى السؤدد وحماه دمت منتداه وحماه عشت في الأوطان للعلا عنوان ملء كل جنان ذكرى كل لسان بالروح، بالجسد هب فتاك لبى نداك في فمي وفي دمي هواك ثار نور ونار إخوتي هيا للعلى سعيا نشهد الدنيا أن هنا نحيا بشعار الله، الوطن، الملك

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Manbita l-ʾaḥrār

Mashriqa l-ʾanwār

Muntadā s-suʾdadi wa-ḥimāh

Dumta muntadāh wa-ḥimāh

ʿIshta fī l-ʾawṭān

Lil-ʿulā ʿunwān

Milʾa kulli janān

Dhikrā kulli lisān

Bi-r-rūḥi, bi-l-jasadi

Habba fatāk labbā nidāk

Fī famī wa-fī damī

Hawāka ṯāra nūr wa-nār

ʾIḫwatī hayyā lil-ʿulā saʿyā

Nušhidi d-dunyā ʾanna hunā naḥyā


Allāh, al-waṭan, al-mālik

Asamǧay n imaziǧen

Agmud n ifawen

Asagraw n timmuǧra d wamur ňes

A teqqimed d agraw d amur ňes

Tedder di tmura

D izwel i tanaya

D akttur n wulawen

D abeddur n yilsawen

S yiman ňes

S tafekka ňes

Inker warraw ňek

Issidmer alaǧi ňek

Deg imi inu d idammen

Tayri ňek tenker s wafaw d wafa

Aytma inu d istma

Uyurt ǧer tanaya

A nessken i umadal a

Is nekni ntedder da

S tazugayt

Akuc Amur agllid

Root of the free, And of the brave

Rising place of the Lights,

Forum of glory and its protector,

May you perpetuate as its forum and its protector.

May you live among the homelands

As an address for grandeur

Filling every garden

conveyed by every tongue.

With the spirit, with the body,

Your son has come to answer your call.

In my mouth and in my blood,

Your love stirred up as light and fire.

Let’s go brothers! Heading for grandeur,

Making the world witness that we here perpetually live

With the motto:

God, homeland, king.

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