Alla Sheiko

Sheiko Alla (born February 14, 1962 in Poltava) - choirmaster, The Boys and Youth Choir of the P. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine Artistic director, Head of the Practice Sector of the National Music Academy of Ukraine. Born in Poltava. Graduated from the choral-conducting Faculty (prof. O.Tymoshenko) and post- training (prof. O. Tymoshenko) of the choral-conducting department of the Kiev Tchaikovsky Conservatory. She taught at the Poltava M. Lysenko Music College, R. Glier Kyiv Music College, P. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. She is an author of articles about the history of foreign choral music.

Professional Activities

Since 2001, directs the boys and youth choir of the Practice Sector of the National Music Academy of Ukraine, with which became the winner of numerous international competitions and festivals. Among them are:

Since 2008 the choir joined the European Association of Boys Choirs. Concert tours of the boys and youth choir: Poland (2004), Luxembourg (2008), Spain (2010 ), Italy (2013 ). Together with the Symphony Orchestra of the National Radio Company of Ukraine made recordings on Ukrainian radio. Participated in the annual festivals of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine “Musical Premieres of the Season”, “Kyiv Music Fest”. Also implemented a number large-scale art projects, including A. Karamanov’s “Symphonic Gospel”, G.Mahler’s Symphony № 3, Karl Orff’s “Carmina Burana”. Created choirs: “Coro Ortodoxo”, “Kyiv Singers” which toured in Spain (2011) and Algeria (2012, 2013 ). Conducted at numerous stages:

In 2012-2013 held master classes at the National Institute of Music of Algeria. In 2013 was invited as choirmaster of the Vth International festival of symphonic music in Algeria.


of the spiritual treasures of Orthodoxy” (2005 );


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