All Assam Sutiya Students Union

All Assam Sutiya Students Union
Abbreviation AACSU
Formation September 11, 2005
Purpose Upliftment of the Sutiya community of Assam

All Assam Sutiya Students Union (also known as AACSU ) is an organization formed in the year 2005 for the betterment of the Sutiya community of Assam. It was formed in a meeting held in Golaghat district of Assam, India. The working areas of All Assam Sutiya Students Union are Sutiya populated areas of Assam. The organization also covers the area of the Sutiyas living in other parts of North East India like Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya etc. This is the sole students’ organization of the community. The organization wants to uplift the community in socio-economic, educational, cultural spheres. It also wants to rejuvenate lost history of the community, its historical monument.


The organization has some definite aims and objectives. These aims and objectives are mentioned in the constitution of the organization. Few of these are mentioned below:

Organisational structure

According to the Constitution of AACSU, any Chutiya student from the age group of 14 to 37 can be a member of AACSU (Constitution of AACSU, Article 4).To be a member, interested students have to pay a joining fee and the annual contribution. The members have to renew their membership after every two years.The organization has a four tier structure- Sakha Somiti (Branch Committee) Anchalik Somiti (Regional Committee), Jila Somiti, (District Committee), Kendriya Somiti (Central Committee). At the bottom it has Sakha Somiti and Kendriya Somiti at apex. Each committee is composed of two types of bodies- executive body and general body. The members of General Body of Branch committee have to select or elect the Executive body of the branch. The branch executive body is composed of one President, one General Secretary, two Assistant General Secretaries, two Organizing Secretaries, one Finance Secretary, one Cultural Secretary, one Sports Secretary, one Educational Secretary, one Office Secretary, one Magazine Secretary and seven to ten executive members. The President and the General Secretary of a Branch Executive Body are also members of the Regional General Committees.

The Regional Executive Committee is composed of one President, one General Secretary, two Assistant General Secretaries, two Organizing Secretaries, one Finance Secretary, one Cultural Secretary, one Sports Secretary, one Educational Secretary, one Office Secretary, one Magazine Secretary and seven to ten executive members. The Presidents and the General Secretaries of each Regional Executive Body are also members of the District General Committees.

The District Executive Committee is composed of one President, one Working President, three Vice Presidents, one General Secretary, three Assistant General Secretaries, one Finance Secretary, one Education Secretary, one Office Secretary, one Magazine Secretary, two Publicity Secretaries, and one cultural Secretary, one Sports Secretary, four Organizing Secretaries and eight executive members. The Central Executive Body is composed total 31 members. It has one President, two Working Presidents, three Vice Presidents, one General Secretary, four Assistant General Secretaries, one Finance Secretary, one Education Secretary, two Office Secretaries, one Magazine Secretary, two Publicity Secretaries, and one cultural Secretary, one Sports Secretary, four Organizing Secretaries and minimum seven executive members. The central executive has tenure of two years.


AACSU has been raising various issues related to the community. The organization is demanding special attention from the government for the development of the community. Based on its aims and objectives, the organization has democratically been pressuring the government to work for the development of the community. It has submitted petitions, demand letters and proposals to the government for the interest of the community. Few of its demands before the governments are as follows:

subdivision of Tinsukia district.

preserving culture and history of the Sutiyas.

These few demands are made only for the welfare of the Sutiya community. However, the organization has many demanded for the greater Assamese society too. These are as follows-

See also


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