Alexios Kaballarios

Alexios Kaballarios or Kaballares (Greek: Ἀλέξιος Καβαλλάριος/Καβαλλάρης) was a Byzantine aristocrat, cousin of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos (r. 1259–1282).

He participated in the Byzantine campaigns in the Morea in the early 1260s, and was taken prisoner by William II of Villehardouin after the Battle of Makryplagi (1263/1264). Apparently released at some later date, in ca. 1270 he held the offices of epi tes trapezes and governor of Thessalonica. Along with the despotes John Palaiologos, he led a Byzantine army against John I Doukas of Thessaly, but was defeated and killed in the Battle of Neopatras (variously dated to 1273–1275).


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