Alexander F. Andreev

Alexander Fyodorovich Andreev
Nationality Russian
Fields superconductivity, quantum liquids and solids, surface phenomena and magnetism
Institutions Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Alma mater Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Known for Andreev reflection
Notable awards Demidov Prize

Alexander Fyodorovich Andreev (Russian: Александр Фёдорович Андреев, born 1939 in Leningrad) is a Russian theoretical physicist known for explaining the eponymous Andreev reflection.[1] Andreev was educated at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology starting in 1959 and graduating ahead of schedule in 1961, having been mentored by Landau.[2]

Since 1979, Andreev has been a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He focuses on the physics of superconductivity, quantum liquids and solids, surface phenomena and magnetism.

Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991—2013).



  1. Andreev, AF (1965). "Thermal Conductivity of the Intermediate State of Superconductors. II". Soviet physics JETP. 20 (6).
  2. Abrikosov, AA; et al. (2010). "Aleksandr Fedorovich Andreev (on his 70th birthday)". Physics-Uspekhi. 53: 103.
  3. Академику Андрееву Александру Федоровичу - 70 лет! / RAS, 10 December 2009 (in Russian)
  4. Pomeranchuk Prize
  5. John Bardeen Prize
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