Alexander Baunov

Alexander Baunov (born December 4, 1969) is a Russian journalist, publicist, and former diplomat.

In 1995 he graduated from the Department of Classical Philology of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University Lomonosov.[1] From 1999 to 2003, he worked in the diplomatic service of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Embassy in Greece. From 2004 to 2008, he worked as a reporter, and then editor in the international department of the magazine "Russian Newsweek."[1] He published a number of guidebooks on Greece and its regions. From 2009 to 2015, he was a columnist and editor of the daily network edition[1] In addition to, he published in the newspaper Vedomosti, the magazine "Big City", and "Russian Life".[2] Since 2015, he has been the chief editor at the Carnegie Moscow Center.[1]

Baunov authored a series of articles on international and domestic topics - on Russia's foreign policy, the place of Russia in the modern world, Ukraine, the European crisis, the Arab revolutions, the crisis in the European Union, the Moscow protests of 2011-2012, the modern Russian ideology, Christianity and the church in the modern world, the case of Pussy Riot and others.

In 2013, he was a finalist for the "Politischevet" publicist prize. In 2014, he was the chairman of the selection committee for the "PolitProsvet" award.[1]



  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Alexander Baunov". Carnegie Moscow Center. Retrieved 2017-05-30.
  2. "Speakers". Retrieved 2017-05-30.
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