Alain Cophignon

Alain Cophignon (born 26 February 1963 in Paris) is a French writer, photographer and aesthetician.


After having supported his doctoral thesis in the sciences of art at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in 2000 under the presidency of Olivier Revault d'Allonnes, Cophignon was a professor of general culture and history of art at the Institut d'études supérieures des arts (IESA), Paris, and at the École européenne de graphisme et de publicité (EEGP) in Angers.

A member of the Société des gens de lettres and co-founder of the "Société musicale française Georges Enesco", he is the author of a monograph devoted to this Romanian musician who lived in France, published by Fayard, hailed by the French-speaking press,[1] the Internet[2] or audiovisual as well as foreign;[3] He is a laureate of the "Kastner-Boursault" prize awarded by the Académie des Beaux-Arts 2006[4] and the Prix des Muses2007.



  1. Cf. : La Lettre du musicien, Opéra magazine (May 2006) ; Crescendo (May-June 2006) ; Classica, Diapason, Le Monde de la musique (June 2006) ; La Dépêche du Midi (April 2007).
  2. Cf.: ConcertoNet, RefMusicologie, TraversSons.
  3. (in Romanian) Cf. : Convorbiri literare, Contemporary Music Journal,Curentul, Jurnalul de dimineaţa, Jurnal de festival George Enescu, Muzica, România libera, Ziarul de Iaşi, etc.
  4. See palmarès 2006.
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