Akita (dog)

Other names Akita Inu
Akita Ken
Japanese Akita
American Akita
Great Japanese Dog
Origin Japan
United States of America
Classification / standards
FCI Group 5, Section 5 Asian Spitz and related breeds ##255 (Japanese), #344 (American) Akita Inu
American Akita standard
AKC Working Group standard
ANKC Group 6 (Utility) Japanese
American standard
CKC Group 3 – Working Dogs standard
KC (UK) Utility Japanese
American standard
NZKC Utility Japanese
American standard
UKC Northern Breed Japanese
American standard
Notes National dog of Japan,
Prefecture animal of Akita
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

The Akita (秋田犬, Akita-inu, Akita-ken) is a large breed of dog originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. There are two separate varieties of Akita: a Japanese strain, commonly called "Akita Ken" in Japan, "Akita Inu" ("inu" means "dog" in Japanese), or "Japanese Akita"; and an American strain, known as the "Akita" or "American Akita".[2] The Japanese strain called the Akita Inu comes in a narrow palette of colors, with all other colors considered atypical of the breed, while the American strain known simply as the Akita comes in all dog colors.[3] The Akita has a short double-coat similar to that of many other northern spitz breeds such as the Siberian Husky, but long-coated dogs can be found in many litters due to a recessive gene.

The Akita is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, commonly aloof with strangers but affectionate with family members. As a breed, Akitas are generally hardy, but they have been known to suffer from various genetic conditions and be sensitive to certain drugs.

In all countries (except the United States and Canada) the Japanese and American strains of Akita are considered two separate breeds. In the United States and Canada, however, the two strains are considered a single breed with differences in type. For a while, the American strain of Akita was known in some countries as the "Great Japanese Dog". Both forms of Akita are probably best known worldwide from the true story of Hachikō, a loyal Akita who lived in Japan before World War II.

Breed name

A large, orange dog on a beach, with small dark eyes and a fine appearance
A Japanese Akita
A large, dark gray dog with white legs and tail, with powerful features and a bulky appearance
An American Akita

There is debate among fanciers whether there are two separate breeds of Akita. To date, only the American Kennel Club,[4] and the Canadian Kennel Club consider American and Japanese Akitas to be two varieties of the same breed, allowing free breeding between the two. The United Kennel Club,[5] The Federation Cynologique Internationale,[6] The Kennel Club,[7][8] the Australian National Kennel Council, [9] the New Zealand Kennel Club,[10][11] and the Japan Kennel Club consider Japanese and American Akitas as separate breeds.[12] Some countries refer to the American Akita as simply the "Akita" and not the American Akita. The issue is especially controversial in Japan.[13] For the FCI's 84 countries, the breed split formally occurred June 1999, when the FCI decided that the American type would be called the Great Japanese Dog,[12] later renamed the American Akita in January 2006.[12]


Japanese history

Japanese Akita

Japanese history, both verbal and written, describe the ancestors of the Akita, the Matagi dog (Japanese:マタギ犬)(hunting dog, Bear hunting dog, Deer hunting dog),[14] as one of the oldest of the native dogs. Today's Akita developed primarily from dogs in the northernmost region of the island of Honshū in the Akita prefecture, thus providing the breed's name.[14] The Matagi's quarry included wild boar, Sika deer, and Asian black bear. This precursor dog tracked large game, holding it at bay until hunters arrived to make the kill. The breed is also influenced by crosses with larger breeds from Asia and Europe, including English Mastiffs, Great Danes,[14] St. Bernards,[14] and the Tosa Inu,[14] in the desire to develop a fighting dog for the burgeoning dog fighting industry in Odate in the early 20th century.[14] During World War II the Akita was also crossed with German Shepherd Dogs in an attempt to save them from the wartime government order for all non-military dogs to be culled.[14] The ancestors of the American Akita were originally a variety of the Japanese Akita, a form that was not desired in Japan due to the markings, and which is not eligible for show competition.[12]

Brindle Japanese Akitas

The story of Hachikō, the most revered Akita of all time, helped push the Akita into the international dog world. Hachiko was born in 1923 and owned by Professor Hidesaburō Ueno of Tokyo.[15] Professor Ueno lived near the Shibuya Train Station in a suburb of the city and commuted to work every day on the train.[16] Hachikō accompanied his master to and from the station each day.[16] On May 25, 1925, when the dog was 18 months old, he waited for his master's arrival on the four o'clock train, but Professor Ueno had suffered a fatal brain haemorrhage at work.[16] Hachikō continued to wait for his master's return.[16] He travelled to and from the station each day for the next nine years.[16] He allowed the professor's relatives to care for him, but he never gave up the vigil at the station for his master.[16] His vigil became world-renowned when, in 1934,[17] shortly before his death, a bronze statue was erected at the Shibuya train station in his honor.[16] This statue was melted down for munitions during the war, but a new one was commissioned after the war.[17] Each year on April 8 since 1936, Hachikō's devotion has been honoured with a solemn ceremony of remembrance at Tokyo's Shibuya railroad station.[18][19] Eventually, Hachikō's legendary faithfulness became a national symbol of loyalty, particularly to the person and institution of the Emperor.[20]

In 1931, the Akita was officially declared a Japanese Natural Monument. The Mayor of Odate City in Akita Prefecture organized the Akita Inu Hozonkai to preserve the original Akita as a Japanese natural treasure through careful breeding.[16] In 1934 the first Japanese breed standard for the Akita Inu was listed, following the breed's declaration as a natural monument of Japan.[21] In 1967, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Akita Dog Preservation Society, the Akita Dog Museum was built to house information, documents and photos.[16] There is a tradition in Japan, that when a child is born they receive a statue of an Akita. This statue symbolizes health, happiness, and a long life. [22]

The Akita "Tachibana",[23] one of the few Akitas to survive the war, pictured here on a Japanese 1953 issue postage stamp.

In 1937, Helen Keller travelled to Japan. She expressed a keen interest in the breed and was presented with the first two Akitas to enter the US.[24] The first dog, presented to her by Mr. Ogasawara and named Kamikaze-go, died at 7 1/2 months of age from distemper, one month after her return to the States. A second Akita was arranged to be sent to Miss Keller: Kamikaze's litter brother, Kenzan-go.[25] Kenzan-go died in the mid-1940s.[26] By 1939 a breed standard had been established and dog shows had been held, but such activities stopped after World War II began. Keller wrote in the Akita Journal:

If ever there was an angel in fur, it was Kamikaze. I know I shall never feel quite the same tenderness for any other pet. The Akita dog has all the qualities that appeal to me — he is gentle, companionable and trusty.[27][28]

Just as the breed was stabilizing in its native land, World War II pushed the Akita to the brink of extinction. Early in the war the dogs suffered from lack of nutritious food. Then many were killed to be eaten by the starving populace, and their pelts were used as clothing. Finally, the government ordered all remaining dogs to be killed on sight to prevent the spread of disease. The only way concerned owners could save their beloved Akitas was to turn them loose in remote mountain areas, where they bred back with their ancestor dogs, the Matagi,[14] or conceal them from authorities by means of crossing with German Shepherd dogs, and naming them in the style of German Shepherd dogs of the time.[14] Morie Sawataishi and his efforts to breed the Akita is a major reason this breed exists today.[29]

During the occupation years following the war, the breed began to thrive again through the efforts of Sawataishi and others.[23] For the first time, Akitas were bred for a standardized appearance. Akita fanciers in Japan began gathering and exhibiting the remaining Akitas and producing litters in order to restore the breed to sustainable numbers and to accentuate the original characteristics of the breed muddied by crosses to other breeds.[30] U.S. servicemen fell in love with the Akita and imported many with them upon their return.

American history

Faithful dog Hachikō was a dog who became legendary in Japan, after waiting every day for his master at Shibuya Station in central Tokyo.
9 week old American Akita
A female American Akita.

The Japanese Akita and American Akita began to diverge in type during the Post–World War II era. It was during this time, that US servicemen serving as part of the occupation force in Japan first came into contact with the Akita, the breed so impressed them that many servicemembers chose to bring an Akita back home with them upon completion of their tour. American servicemembers were typically more impressed with the larger more bear-like fighting Akita or German Shepherd type than they were with the smaller framed and fox-like Akita-Inu; the types of dogs they brought back with them to the US reflected this sentiment. Japanese Akita fanciers focused on restoring the breed as a work of Japanese art or to 'Natural Monument' status. American Akita fanciers chose to breed larger, heavier-boned and more intimidating dogs. Although, both types derive from a common ancestry, there are marked differences between the two.[31] First, while American Akitas are acceptable in all colors, Japanese Akitas are only permitted to be red, fawn, sesame, white, or brindle. Additionally, American Akitas may be pinto and/or have black masks, unlike Japanese Akitas where it is considered a disqualification and not permitted in the breed standards. American Akitas generally are heavier boned and larger, with a more bear-like head, whereas Japanese Akitas tend to be lighter and more finely featured with a fox-like head.[12]

Recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1955, it was placed in the Miscellaneous class. It was not until the end of 1972 that the AKC approved the Akita standard and it was moved to the Working dog class, as such, the Akita is a rather new breed in the United States. Foundation stock in America continued to be imported from Japan until 1974 when the AKC cut off registration to any further Japanese imports until 1992 when it recognized the Japan Kennel Club. The decision by the AKC to disallow the registration of any further imported dogs in 1974, set the stage for the divergence in type between the American Akita and Japanese Akita Inu that is present today.

Elsewhere in the world, the American Akita was first introduced to the UK in 1937, he was a Canadian import, owned by a Mrs. Jenson, however the breed was not widely known until the early 1980s.[26] The breed was introduced in Australia in 1982 with an American Import and to New Zealand in 1986 with an import from the U.K.[26]


American Akitas (left) and Japanese Akitas (right)
Akita hiking in Shpella e Pëllumbasit, Tirana, Albania.


As a spitz breed, the appearance of the Akita reflects cold weather adaptations essential to their original function.[32] The Akita is a substantial breed for its height with heavy bones. Characteristic physical traits of the breed include a large, bear-like head with erect, triangular ears set at a slight angle following the arch of the neck. Additionally, the eyes of the Akita are small, dark, deeply set and triangular in shape.[33] Akitas have thick double coats, and tight, well knuckled cat-like feet. Their tails are carried over the top of the back in a gentle or double curl down the loin.[34]

Mature American type males measure typically 26–28 inches (66–71 cm) at the withers and weigh between 100–130 lb (45–59 kg). Mature females typically measure 24–26 inches (61–66 cm) and weigh between 70–100 lb (32–45 kg).[35] The Japanese type, as stated in the breed standards, are a little smaller and lighter.

Breed standards state that all dog breed coat colors are allowable in the American Akita, including pinto, all types of brindle, solid white, black mask, white mask, self-colored mask, even differing colors of under coat and overlay (guard hairs).[36] This includes the common Shiba Inu coloring pattern known as Urajiro. The Japanese Akitas, as per the breed standards, are restricted to red, fawn, sesame, brindle, pure white, all with "Urajiro" markings i.e., whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, on the underside of jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and on the inside of the legs.[7]

Coat types

Long Coat Akita

There are two coat types in the Akita, the standard coat length and the long coat.[37] The long coat is considered a fault in the show ring, however.[37] The long coat, also known as 'Moku' is the result of an autosomal recessive gene and may only occur phenotypically if both sire and dam are carriers. They have longer (about 3–4 inches in length) and softer coats[38] and are known to have sweeter temperaments.[37] It is believed that this gene comes from the now extinct Karafuto-Ken 樺太犬.[39] Unlike their short coat cousins, the long coats are less highly prized and thus more affordable.[40]

Grooming needs

American Akitas are a low maintenance dog breed. Grooming them should be an easy process. They are fairly heavy shedders and can go heavier than normal two to three times per year. Daily brushing could be a good way to reduce this problem. This breed needs to bathe every few months, although it can be more often, depending on the needs of each owner. Toenails should be trimmed every month, and their ears should be cleaned once a week.


The Akita is generally seen as territorial about its property, and can be reserved with strangers. It is sometimes described as feline in its actions; it is not unusual for an Akita to clean its face after eating, to preen its kennel mate, and to be fastidious in the house.[41] They are known to be intolerant of other dogs of the same sex, as stated in the AKC breed standard.[4]

Since it is a large, powerful dog, the Akita is not considered a breed for a first time dog owner. The breed has been targeted by some countries' breed-specific legislation as a dangerous dog.[42][43][44][45] The Akita is a large, strong, independent and dominant dog. A dog with the correct Akita temperament should be accepting of non-threatening strangers, yet protective of their family when faced with a threatening situation. As a breed they should be good with children; it is said that the breed has an affinity for children.[46] Not all Akitas will necessarily have the same temperament.[47]

Akitas tend to take a socially dominant role with other dogs, and thus caution must be used in situations when Akitas are likely to be around other dogs, especially unfamiliar ones. In particular, Akitas tend to be less tolerant of dogs of the same sex. For this reason, Akitas, unless highly socialized, are not generally well-suited for off-leash dog parks.[41] The Akita is said to be careful, courageous, fearless, and intelligent. Sometimes spontaneous, it needs a confident, consistent handler, without which the dog will be very wilful and may become very aggressive to other dogs and animals.[47]


The Akita Inu is one of the most dominant dog breeds. And therefore, training should start in an early age of 7 – 8 weeks.[48]

Training your Akita will help you achieve the Alpha role in the pack. Which will help you to reduce your dog’s aggression toward people and other pets.[48]

Commands Training for Akita Puppies

It’s important to understand the nature of your Akita puppies. Puppies are very energetic and hyperactive. And therefore, new commands training should not last for more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, your puppy will lose focus and the entire session will be pointless.[48]

You should start the training in a familiar place, and then slowly start training your puppy in a new environment. This will make the training process much easier.[48] Use of a "Gentle leader" nose harness is an excellent way to train an Akita; and intermittent use as needed has a residual beneficial effect on temperament and behavior even after it is removed.[49]


Autoimmune diseases

There are many autoimmune diseases that are known to sometimes occur in the Akita. These include, but are not limited to:

Immune-mediated endocrine diseases

In addition to these there are also the immune-mediated endocrine diseases with a heritable factor, such as:

Non immune specific conditions

Other non-immune specific conditions known to have occurred in the Akita include:

Breed specific conditions

There are two breed specific conditions mentioned in veterinary literature:

Working life

Predecessors of the modern Akita were used for hunting bear, wild boar and deer in Japan as late as 1957.[76] They would be used to flush out the bear and keep it at bay until the hunter could come and kill it. Today, the breed is used primarily as a companion dog. However, the breed is currently also known to be used as therapy dogs,[77] and compete in all dog competitions including: conformation showing, obedience trials, canine good citizen program, tracking trials and agility competition,[78] as well as weight pulling, hunting and schutzhund (i.e., personal protection dogs).[79]

See also


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  75. Battison, Andrea (2007). "Apparent pseudohyperkalemia in a Chinese Shar Pei dog". Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 36 (1): 89–93. PMID 17311201. doi:10.1111/j.1939-165X.2007.tb00188.x.
  76. "Bear hunting in Japan 1957" (website). Raritan River Akita Club inc. Retrieved 19 April 2011.
  77. "Working Akitas" (website). Akita Network. Retrieved 4 October 2011.
  78. Andrews, Barbara J. (1996). "6 – Sport of purebred dogs". Akitas. N.J. USA: TFH Publications Inc. pp. 74–99. ISBN 0-7938-2760-4.
  79. Taylor, Jason (1996). Guide to Owning an Akita. N.J. USA: T.F.H. Publications Inc. p. 54. ISBN 0-7938-1878-8.

Further reading

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