

"Trosia Dimas" by Ithaka, a photographic work from the exhibit, Aliens Of AkahtiLândia, shown for the first time in February 2015 at F-Plus Gallery in Santa Ana, California.
Created by Ithaka Darin Pappas
Type Rainforest Paradise, Art and Sound Studio
Population 1

AkahtiLândia is a fictional identity given to an actual location, the small jungle ranch belonging to Californian born Greek-American artist and musician Ithaka Darin Pappas. The site has served for many years as the artist's primary residence as well as his art, photography and recording studios.[1]

The exact location of AkahtiLândia is ambiguous and vague, but it is known to lie within a coastal section of the Atlantic Forest somewhere between the towns of Praia Grande and Peruíbe along the southern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Ithaka purchased part of the property in 2010 after hearing a whispered tip from a local store merchant in nearby Mongaguá and has since added significantly to the area by purchasing surrounding lots.[2][3]

There in AkahtiLândia, Ithaka created the majority of his sculptural, photographic, writing and musical works between 2010 and 2015.[4][5]

Fascinated by jungle creatures and near enough to the Atlantic Ocean to continue practicing his beloved activity of surfing, Ithaka claimed it was as close to paradise as he was likely to find on planet earth. It was here that he began to truly veer toward the direction of being a naturalist. An ambitious amateur entomologist, Ithaka studied insects for extended hours, later becoming his photographic subjects and contemporary art inspirations included in his exhibit, Aliens of AkahtiLândia. This was large scale body of insect-inspired artworks encompassing photography, paintings and recycled surfboard sculptures. It was shown for the first time in 2015 at F-Plus Gallery in Santa Ana, California.[6][7]

Also continuing with his sonic projects, during the time in the jungle (using solar-powered computers), Ithaka gradually put together an all-instrumental album of ambient Hip hop and trip hop songs for the record Voiceless Blue Raven: Volume One released in 2013 on Sweatlodge Records. This project, his seventh full-length album, was a large departure from his previous more vocal works. "Words seemed out of place here in the jungle", he said to Portugal's UP Magazine in 2014.[8]


Human Residents

Ithaka Darin Pappas

Animal kingdom

In addition to the thousands of varieties of insects like Trosia Dimas and Lonomia Obliqua, there are over a hundred species of indigenous birds that occupy the grounds of AkahtiLândia such as the Green-headed tanager, Green-billed toucan, Squirrel cuckoo, Brazilian tanager, Blue-and-yellow tanager. White-tailed trogon, the Blue-winged parrotlet, etc.

There are also reptiles like the Dipsas indica the highly venomous Bothrops jararaca and many mammal species including; jaguar, South American tapir, Three-toed sloth, ocelot and Crab-eating fox.[9]


Ithaka's real life neighbors in AkahtiLândia are often the subject of his photographs and artworks including members of the shared Guaraní people and Tupi people indigenous village one kilometer further into the jungle and also his more nearby neighbors; Dona Antonia, Zezinho, Ceazaro, Ari and Bozo. Ithaka also frequently invited artists from São Paulo to work alongside of him including musician Paul Mundaca who recorded an entire blues album using Ithaka's AkahtiLândia-inspired lyrics entitled, "Eden By The Sea".[10]


Ithaka Art And Music Created In AkahtiLândia

Articles and Documentaries Discussing AkahtiLândia

See also


  1. 1 2 "Up Magazine TAP Portugal » Ithaka". upmagazine-tap.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  2. 1 2 "Meet the Greek-American Artist Who Shot N.W.As Earliest Promo Photos | The Hundreds". thehundreds.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  3. "Where Is AkahtiLândia Brazil". archive.is. Archived from the original on 2014-08-12. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  4. "Ithaka | Midnight In AkahtiLândia". ithakaofficial.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  5. "Memory Lane Music Group - Ithaka". memorylanemusicgroup.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  6. "Hemp Works Blog: Art & HoodLamb". hempworks.typepad.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  7. "Santa Ana: Aliens Of AkahtiLândia (Exhibit at F+ Gallery) - Cultural Events". archive.is. Archived from the original on 2015-02-27. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  8. "Music – Music News, New Songs, Videos, Music Shows and Playlists from MTV". mtv.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  9. Lajsiab. "Youtube Repeat: Ithaka's Jungle Art Shack, "Recanto Akahti" - AkahtiLândia, Brazil / July 2011". lajsiab.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  10. "Paul Mandaca on Apple Music". itunes.apple.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  11. "Ithaka - Voiceless Blue Raven : Volume One (CD, Album) at Discogs". discogs.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  12. "Sweatlodge Records - CDs and Vinyl at Discogs". discogs.com. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
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