Age of Steam (game)

Age of Steam is a strategy board game by Martin Wallace published in 2002 by Warfrog Games on license from Winsome Games. The game depicts the development of railroads in the United States, as well as several other countries using the expansion maps. It can be played by three to six players, usually takes between 2 and 3 hours to complete, and is intended for ages 13 and above. "Age of Steam" is a trademark of Winsome Games.

Age of Steam won the 2003 International Gamers Award.[1] and is one of the top twenty rated games on BoardGameGeek.[2]

Age of Steam support dozens of expansion maps, including several from Bézier Games, AoS Team and Steam Brothers.

See also


  1. "Recipients for 2003 International Gamers Awards (General Strategy Category) Announced". Archived from the original on 2007-08-13. Retrieved 2007-07-06.
  2. BoardGameGeek Retrieved on 2008-10-24.
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