
Created by Claudius Colas
Date 1910
Setting and usage International auxiliary language
Language codes
ISO 639-3 None (mis)
Glottolog None

Adjuvilo is a language created in 1910 by Claudius Colas under the pseudonym of "Profesoro V. Esperema". Although it was a full language, it may not have been created to be spoken. Many believe that as an Esperantist, Colas created Adjuvilo to help create dissent in the then-growing Ido movement. Colas himself called his language simplified Ido and proposed several reforms to Ido.

Colas created a nearly complete grammar, but did not create a new vocabulary. Adjuvilo uses mainly the vocabulary of Ido with modifications according to the grammatical changes of Ido. Colas in some cases reestablishes the Esperanto forms of words and even constructed some new words like sulo for "sun" (Ido/Esperanto: suno) and dago for "day" (Ido: dio, Esperanto: tago).

Phonology and orthography

Adjuvilo uses the same phonology and orthography as Ido. The only modification is that the stress is always on the penultimate syllable like in Esperanto, whereas in Ido in the infinitive of the verbs the last syllable is stressed.


The comparative grade is formed by plu (more) and men (less). Example: El estan plu bela quam il. (She is more beautiful than he).
The superlative grade is formed by la pley (most). Example: Adjuvilo estan la pley facila linguo ex omnas linguos. (Adjuvilo is the easiest language of all languages).
Singular me (I), tu (you), il (he), el (she), it (it), lo (third person gender not defined)
Plural nos (we), vos (you), ilos (they, masculine), elos (they, female), itos (they, neuter), los (they, unspecified gender)
Additional personal pronouns: on (one, impersonal form), su (reflexive form)
The infinitive ending is -i like in Esperanto: diri (to say), lerni (to learn).
The present tense is formed by replacing the infinitive ending by -an. Example: Me kantan (I sing), tu kantan (you sing).
The past tense is formed by -in. Example: Me vidin (I saw).
The future tense is formed by -on. Example: Me vidon (I will see).
The conjunctive is formed by adding -un. Example: Me vidun (I would see).
The imperative is formed by adding -en. Example: Lekten la libro! (Read the book!)
The active participles are formed with the suffix -ant for the present tense, -int for the past tense and -ont for the future tense. Example: La ridanta homo (The laughing man).
The passive participles are formed with the suffix -at for the present tense, -it for the past tense and -ot for the future tense.
The passive voice is formed with the forms of the auxiliary verb esti (to be). Example: La libro estin skriptita de Shakespeare (The book was written by Shakespeare).

Comparison to Ido

All in all the changes to Ido were so great that Adjuvilo in fact is a new constructed language.


A sample of Adjuvilo, the often-translated Pater Noster:

Patro nosa, qua estan en cielos, santa esten tua nomo, advenen tua regno, esten tua volo, quale en cielos, tale anke sur la tero; nosa panon omnadaga donen a nos hodie; nosas ofendos pardonen a nos, quale nos pardonan a nosas ofendantos e ne lasen nos fali en tento, ma liberifen nos de malbono.


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