Adamo Chiusole

Count Adamo Chiusole ([1728 - 1787) was an Italian painter and art historian. He mainly painted subjects with animals, landscapes and capricci.[1]


He was born in Chiusole, a neighborhood of Pomarolo in the Vallagarina, in the Province of Trentino, region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.[2] He studied first in Siena, then in Rome under Pompeo Battoni. In Rome, he resided in the Palazzo of the gran contestabile Lorenzo Colonna, his fellow pupil. He then gained the patronage of Cardinal Scipione Borghese. He was named Count of the Holy Palace and Knight of the Order of the Golden Spur by Pope Benedict XIV. Chiusole turned down and offer to be the inspector of the Royal Gallery of Berlin under Frederick the Great of Prussia. He did publish a book praising the King.

In addition, to painting, he was versatile as a writer of both prose and poetry. He is described as having a clear style but without energy. He is described as praising his own works, both written and painted, as better than his contemporaries.[3]

Literary works

His biography was noted by Clementino Vannetti (Commentariolum de Adamo Clusolo. Veronae, 1787).[4]

He died in Rovereto.


  1. Garollo, Gottardo (1907). Ulrico Hoepli, ed. Dizionario biografico universale. Editore Libraio della Real Casa, Milan. p. 526.
  2. Continuazione al Nuovo dizionario istorico degli uomini che sono renduti più celebre], Volume 3, by Gioacchino Maria Olivier-Poli, page 36.
  3. il suo stile era chiarissimo, ma senza energia.
  4. Scrittori ed artisti trentini, by Francesco Ambrosi, Giovanni Zippel Editor, 1883, Trento, page 95.

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