Act of Uniformity 1552

The Act of Uniformity 1551[1]

Long title An Acte for the Unyformytie of Comon Prayer and admynistracion of the Sacramentes.[2]
Citation 5 & 6 Edw 6 c 1
Status: Repealed

The Act of Uniformity 1551 (5 & 6 Edw 6 c 1), sometimes referred to as the Act of Uniformity 1552,[3][4] was an Act of the Parliament of England.

It was enacted by Edward VI of England to supersede his previous Act of 1549.(Bray:281) It was one of the last steps taken by the 'boy king' and his councillors to make England a more Protestant country before his death the following year. It replaced the Book of Common Prayer authorised by the Act of Uniformity 1549 with a revised and more clearly Protestant version, the 1552 Book of Common Prayer. Cranmer, the principal author of both the 1549 and 1552 versions of the liturgy maintained that there was no theological difference between the two.(MacCulloch:87)

Anyone who attended or administered a service where this liturgy was not used faced six months imprisonment for a first offence, one year for a second offence, and life for a third. This Act was repealed by Mary in 1553.

Liturgical changes effected

The Edwardine reformation represented a combination of moderate reformed theology with relatively traditional structures of the ministry and church government which were justified at the time by an appeal to the Early Church before Romish errors had corrupted it.(Neill:72,120)

Transubstantiation had already been dropped implicitly by the elimination from the 1549 rite of both the elevation of the host and the "shewing of the Sacrament to the people" during the prayer of consecration.(Gibson:223). However, late in 1552 after the new prayer book had passed through Parliament, John Knox launched a strong attack on the requirement to kneel to receive communion. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer persuaded the Privy Council to retain the practice, and the Council approved a declaration in its defence which is commonly known as the "Black Rubric", which was pasted into the earliest printed editions on a slip of paper.( & MacCulloch:101)

The details of the liturgical changes and history are discussed at length in the article on the Book of Common Prayer

Mary I's reforms and Elizabeth I's restorations

After Edward VI's death, his sister Mary I proceeded to bring the English clergy back under the auspices of the Catholic Church. She repealed all her brother's religious laws and imprisoned the country's leading Protestant clerics. In addition, she had her mother's marriage to Henry VIII declared valid. Later on, her husband Philip II of Spain persuaded Parliament to repeal all of Henry VIII's religious laws, thereby returning England to the control of the Church in Rome.(Williams:91)

When Mary I died in 1558 and her sister Elizabeth came to the throne, Catholic clergy sought to block her wish to make reforms that would turn the Church in England back in the direction of Protestantism. Elizabeth was fortunate in that many of the bishoprics of the country were vacant, which meant that the remaining bishops could not outvote the lay members of the House of Lords who supported reform. A new Act of Uniformity was passed in 1559; Mary I's heresy laws were also repealed, in order to make punishments for violating the Act less severe.(Williams:451ff) The Church of England then started to use the 1552 Book of Common Prayer with a few more traditional modifications (notably the omission of the "Black Rubric)".

For more details of the further history of this Act see Act of Uniformity 1549.


Section 1 of the Religious Disabilities Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict c 59) repealed:

The marginal note to section 1 of the Religious Disabilities Act 1846 said that the effect of this was to repeal sections 1 to 4 and 6 of the Act of Uniformity 1551.

The whole Act, so far as it extended to Northern Ireland, was repealed by section 1(1) of, and Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1950.

The whole Act, so far as unrepealed, was repealed by section 1 of, and Part II of the Schedule to, the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1969.

See also


  1. The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by section 5 of, and Schedule 2 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1948. Due to the repeal of those provisions, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
  2. These words are printed against this Act in the second column of Schedule 2 to the Statute Law Revision Act 1948, which is headed "Title".
  3. Halsbury, Earl of, and Chitty, Thomas W. Halsbury's Statutes of England. Butterworth. 1930. Volume 6. Page 539.
  4. Sir Carleton Kemp Allen. Law in the Making. Clarendon Press. 1964. Page 473.
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