''Acer campestre'' 'William Caldwell'

Acer campestre
Cultivar 'William Caldwell'
Origin William Caldwell Nursery, Cheshire, UK

The Field Maple cultivar Acer campestre 'William Caldwell' was cloned from a seedling discovered at Knutsford, England, in 1976 by Donovan Caldwell Leaman, head nurseryman at the now-defunct William Caldwell Nursery. The tree was released to commerce in 1980.


The tree is noted for its fastigiate shape, and foliage which turns orange or red in autumn where planted on acid soils, not yellow as with the species.[1]


'William Caldwell' is largely restricted to the UK, where it remains uncommon; it was introduced to the USA by the National Arboretum, Washington, D. C. in 2012. The tree is reputedly difficult to propagate.


The cultivar is named for the William Caldwell nursery (ceased trading c. 1990). The cultivar was originally known as 'King Canute' until 1983; Canute was the emblem and trademark of the William Caldwell nursery.






  1. van Gelderen, D. M., de Jong, P. C., and Oterdoom, H. J. (1994). Maples of the World. Timber Press, Oregon. ISBN 0-88192-000-2.

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