Absolute Beginner

An Absolute Beginner is term used especially in Germany for an adult who has negligible or no sexual or romantic experience,.

The term originated in Germany in the late 1990s to refer to people who are involuntarily single or become involuntary virgins way into adulthood. The reasoning behind their sexlessness varies from psychological issues, an unsocial life, shyness, being socially inept, or a lack of initiative in making the first move.[1] Absolute Beginners gradually developed into communities that culminated into self-help groups of the same name. The etymology of the term derives from a David Bowie song.[2] Absolute Beginners sometimes abbreviate their self-identification as AB, and sometimes communicate with one another on online forums. They vary in age, with some being in their 20s, others in their 30 while others are in their 40s.[3] In some online forums, the hallmark of being an Absolute Beginner is at the age of twenty if one still has had no sexual or romantic experience.[4] In online forums, AB's sometimes discuss tribulations associated with their status such as pressures to date and the embaressments and secrecy associated with their inexperience.[5] Awareness of the AB community in Germany has increased.[6] Some German AB's have attempted to document their lifestyle in order to explore the reasoning behind their ineffectiveness at courtship.[7] The concept is considered to be analogous to other concepts such as incel (involuntary celibacy), and love-shy.[8] The apearance of AB's has also been blamed on various factors including a skewed sex ratio, such as a surplus of women or a surplus of men in a particular region[9] and a perception of themselves as unattractive and the subsequent low-self esteem.[10]


  1. Rundschau, Frankfurter. "Leben ohne Sex: Als Erwachsener sexuell unerfahren".
  2. Germany, SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg. "Leben ohne Sex: Selbsthilfe für erwachsene Jungfrauen - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  3. "Beziehungen: Zuletzt geküsst im Kindergarten" via FAZ.NET.
  4. Maja Roedenbeck: And who kisses me? Absolute Beginners - When love is waiting for you . Berlin 2012, p. 54
  5. Maja Roedenbeck: And who kisses me? Absolute Beginners - When love is waiting for you . Berlin 2012, pp. 29-30, p. 86, p. 108
  6. Sprenger: Male Absolute Beginner. A communication-scientific approach to the explanation of partnerlessness. Wiesbaden, Germany
  7. "Dokumentarfilm: Love Alien - 30, männlich, ungeküsst - Film & Serie - Bayerisches Fernsehen - Fernsehen - BR.de". 15 December 2013.
  8. Männlich, ledig, lebensgefährlich., in: Der Spiegel, 34/2014, page 50–54
  9. Heiratsmarkt und Marriage Squeeze. Analysen zur Veränderung von Heiratsgelegenheiten in der Bundesrepublik. Universität Heidelberg. Abgerufen am 1. September 2014
  10. Olaf Wickenhöfer: Unfreiwillig Single. Eine Studie zur Sozialisationsgeschichte und kulturellen Alltagspraxis. Tectum Verlag, Marburg 2004, page 42
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