Abduction (novel)

Author Robin Cook
Country United States
Language English
Genre Thriller, Novel
Publisher Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Publication date
November 2000
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 416 p. (paperback edition)
ISBN 978-0-425-17736-5 (paperback edition)
Preceded by Vector
Followed by Shock

Abduction is a 2000 novel written by Robin Cook.


A team of researchers in a remote region of the Atlantic become trapped inside an ancient undersea volcano when their submersible is inexplicably drawn in. They discover a technologically advanced world of genetically engineered, physically near-perfect humans living comfortably in an enclosed city within the Mohorovičić discontinuity. The researchers are told that their Moho-dwelling cousins evolved many millions of years prior to current humans and became very technologically advanced. Millions of years ago, these "first generation" humans discovered that Earth was about to be bombarded with hordes of meteors, effectively sterilizing the surface of the planet. Unable to find a suitable extrasolar planet to move to in time, the first generation humans decided to instead move into the Mohorovičić discontinuity, shielding themselves from extinction. The Moho-dwellers watched over the centuries as the second-generation humans evolved and developed, and reveal that they abducted these researchers to determine if the researchers had been searching for them. The researchers reveal that nobody on the surface has ever thought there were civilizations living under the Earth's crust, and that they were doing geologic exploration and research instead.

Fearing for their own safety and the discovery of their civilization, the Moho-dwellers feel they cannot allow their abductees to return to the surface. The research team manages to recover its submersible and mounts an attempt to return to the surface. However, at the last moment they encounter a large Moho craft and emerge to the ocean's surface in the late 18th century. The group abruptly discovers that the craft was actually some sort of advanced Moho time machine and/or spacecraft that sent them 200 years into the past to prevent them from alerting the surface world to the presence of the Moho-dwellers.

Issues/theories present in the novel

Genetic engineering: All Moho-dwellers are effectively immortal and can choose to design their new bodies.

Euthanasia: Technology exists to extend life, perhaps to the point of true immortality. However, Moho-dwellers can voluntarily terminate their bodies. Death does exist if a Moho-dweller dies before he or she can be "transferred" to a new body.

Paedophilia: The new bodies the Moho-dwellers inhabit begin life at the developmental level of young children, effectively placing the minds of sexually-active adults into the bodies of pre-pubescent children.

Hollow Earth theory: This novel is part of a popular genre in science fiction that envisions the viability of life and human survival inside the interior of Earth.


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