A Long Way to Shiloh

A Long Way to Shiloh

First US edition
Author Lionel Davidson
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Publisher Gollancz (UK)
Harper & Row (US)
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
Pages 239

A Long Way to Shiloh (known in the US as The Menorah Men so as not to be thought a Civil War novel) is a thriller by Lionel Davidson. The book won the Crime Writers' Association's Gold Dagger Award.

Plot summary

Caspar Laing is a Professor of Semitic Languages who is asked to translate an ancient parchment found in Israel. Fragmentary as the message is, it appears to give directions to the hiding place of a holy candelabrum rescued from the Jerusalem Temple before its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. But the Jordanians have a copy of the parchment as well, and the search for the priceless menorah becomes a deadly cat and mouse hunt in the burning Negev desert. The story draws from the Copper Scroll found at Qumran in 1952, which lists buried treasure.

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