A las Barricadas

"A las barricadas"
Language Spanish
Published Original music from "Warszawianka" composed in 1879.
Lyrics written in 1936.
Recorded 1936
Length 1:13
Composer(s) Józef Pławiński
Lyricist(s) Valeriano Orobón Fernández
based on original lyrics by Wacław Święcicki
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"A las Barricadas" ("To the Barricades") was one of the most popular songs of the Spanish anarchists during the Spanish Civil War. "A las Barricadas" is sung to the tune of "Whirlwinds of Danger" ("Warszawianka"), composed by Józef Pławiński. The lyrics were written by Valeriano Orobón Fernández in 1936, partly based on the original Polish lyrics by Wacław Święcicki.

"The Confederation" referred to in the final stanza is the anarcho-syndicalist CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo — "National Confederation of Labor"), which at the time was the largest labour union and main anarchist organisation in Spain, and a major force opposing Francisco Franco's military coup against the Spanish Republic from 1936–1939.


Spanish English Translation

Negras tormentas agitan los aires
nubes oscuras nos impiden ver.
Aunque nos espere el dolor y la muerte
contra el enemigo nos llama el deber.

El bien más preciado es la libertad
hay que defenderla con fe y valor.

Alza la bandera revolucionaria
que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.
Alza la bandera revolucionaria
que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.

Negras tormentas agitan los aires
nubes oscuras nos impiden ver.
Aunque nos espere el dolor y la muerte
contra el enemigo nos llama el deber.

El bien más preciado es la libertad
hay que defenderla con fe y valor.

Alza la bandera revolucionaria
que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.
Alza la bandera revolucionaria
que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.

En pie el pueblo obrero, a la batalla
hay que derrocar a la reacción.

¡A las barricadas! ¡A las barricadas!
por el triunfo de la Confederación.
¡A las barricadas! ¡A las barricadas!
por el triunfo de la Confederación.

Black storms shake the air
Dark clouds blind us
Although pain and death [may] await us
Duty calls us against the enemy

The most precious good is freedom
It must be defended With faith and courage

Raise the revolutionary flag
Which carries us ceaselessly towards triumph
Raise the revolutionary flag
Which carries us ceaselessly towards triumph

Black storms shake the air
Dark clouds blind us
Although pain and death [may] await us
Duty calls us against the enemy

The most precious good is freedom
It must be defended With faith and courage

Raise the revolutionary flag
Which carries us ceaselessly towards triumph
Raise the revolutionary flag
Which carries us ceaselessly towards triumph

Get up, working people, to the battle
[We] have to topple the reaction

To the Barricades! To the Barricades!
For the triumph of the Confederation
To the Barricades! To the Barricades!
For the triumph of the Confederation

Covering artists

See also


  1. "bANDİSTA // yeni albüm : daima! / new album: siempre!". Tayfabandista.org. Retrieved 15 September 2011.
  2. Pancorbo Castro, Manuel (1 May 2001). "Al la barikadoj!". Recenzo el Monato. Retrieved 3 November 2009.
  3. "Pascal Comelade – Cent Regards". Dicogs. Archived from the original on 26 November 2009. Retrieved 3 November 2009.
  4. A las barricadas-Himno de la CNT (Ana Belen y Victor Manuel). Archived from the original on 4 October 2011. Retrieved 3 November 2009.
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