
The AN/ALR-2002 Radar Warning Receiver is designed to warn an aircraft's crew of potentially hostile radar activity. British Aerospace Australia was the sole contractor for the AN/ALR-2002 Australian indigenous System

The AN/ALR-2002 Radar Warning Receiver is a threat warning system for tactical aircraft and was designed for the F-111, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F/A-18 Hornet and S-70 Blackhawk Helicopters. The system was designed to detect, identify and display radars and radar-guided weapon systems. The system also co-ordinates its operation with jammers.

The AN/ALR-2002B comprises the following units:

As of 2006, the Australian Defence minister has accepted a recommendation to stop development of the ALR-2002B variant for the F/A-18, the RAAF will most likely install the US Navy deployed Raytheon ALR-67(V)3 instead. The ALR-67(V)3 is currently fitted to the F/A-18 E/F Hornet and some F/A-18 C/D Hornet aircraft. The decision was based on integration, programatic (cost & schedule), political (internal to DMO) and performance issues.

Continued development and deployment of the ALR-2002B variant, for use with transport and rotary wing aircraft, is still expected to continue.

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