Level crossings in the United Kingdom

Warning sign for level crossing with barriers or gates
A gated crossing at Fiskerton, Nottinghamshire (now MCB-OD), that is manually operated by the signalman. These crossings are slowly becoming rarer as they are being replaced by modern automatic crossings
Warning sign for open level crossing
The original design of automated crossing at Berwick, East Sussex in 1964
Warning plate for level crossing with warning lights (note the post-Hixon amber light)
A full barrier level crossing in St Bees, Cumbria, that is controlled by the adjacent signal box
The post-Hixon AHB/ABCL large vehicle information sign
A half-barrier level crossing known as an AHBC near Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
Risk of grounding warning sign
An open level crossing with warning lights and signs known as AOCL in Dingwall, Highland, Scotland
Electrified overhead cables warning sign
An ABCL crossing at Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales. This crossing is unique for having three barriers.
The St Andrew's Cross that is displayed at all open crossings
The AOCL+B crossing at Winchelsea, East Sussex, with no telephone or AHB signage
North Green AOCL (now AOCL+B) near Saxmundham, Suffolk. Note the boomerang shaped St Andrew's Cross to signify the double tracked line (now defunct signage)
A level crossing with obstacle detection at Pevensey & Westham, East Sussex, with the notable equipment in the background
The red and green stop light at a MWL foot crossing near Offord Cluny, Cambridgeshire. This is a major crossing across the high speed East Coast Main Line.
A simple farm crossing across a low traffic line near Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys, Wales. These crossings are the most common and require complete user compliance.
A basic footpath crossing near Fladbury, Worcestershire, with very simple signage.

There are around 6,550 level crossings in the United Kingdom, of which about 1,500 are public highway crossings. This number is gradually being reduced as the risk of accidents at level crossings is considered high. The director of the UK Railway Inspectorate commented in 2004 that "the use of level crossings contributes the greatest potential for catastrophic risk on the railways."[1] The creation of new level crossings on the national network is banned, with bridges and tunnels being the only option, and replacing existing crossings. The cost of making significant reductions, other than by simply closing the crossings, is substantial; some commentators argue that the money could be better spent. Some 5,500 crossings are user-worked crossings or footpaths with very low usage. The removal of crossings can improve train performance and lower accident rates, as some crossings have low rail speed limits enforced on them to protect road users (e.g. AOCLs). In fact, between 1845 and 1933,[2] there was a 4 miles per hour (6.4 km/h) speed limit on level crossings of turnpike roads adjacent to stations for lines whose authorising Act of Parliament had been consolidated in the,[3] although this limit was at least sometimes (and possibly often) disregarded.[4][5][6]


In the United Kingdom, major crossings were normally situated within easy sight of a signal box, and usually directly adjacent to the signal box, to ensure that the signalman could verify that the road was clear before allowing a train onto the crossing by switching the semaphore signals to clear. The traditional form of road crossing on British railways from the mid-19th century consisted of two or four wooden gates (one or two on each side of the railway). These prevented road traffic from crossing when closed, and when open lay across the railway to prevent horses and livestock inadvertently escaping from the road to the railway. Originally the signalman (or an assistant) had to leave the box in order to open or close the gates but from the late 19th century mechanical systems were developed whereby turning a wheel in the box manually operated the gates. This also allowed the crossing gates to be interlocked with the signal controls, making the crossing quicker in operation and increasing safety. Where a signal box was not nearby but road traffic still warranted a full gated crossing a dedicated crossing keeper would be employed, often living in a railway-owned cottage adjacent to the crossing and in communication with the signal boxes via the telegraph system. Many of these still exist as user-worked crossings, although these are regularly misused and accidents are frequent.

The use of pedestrian crossings at stations in the past was common, and it was the norm for passengers to walk across the line between platforms. It is still common in many other countries, and on lines with less traffic in the UK. At Settle, for example, before the footbridge was installed in the 1990s, while passengers from Leeds walked across the line the driver's kettle was topped up with hot water. With a few exceptions, such as at Carmarthen, the remaining such crossings are on heritage railways or are used to let passengers who cannot climb stairs to the footbridge move between platforms.

Many gated crossings have been replaced by lifting barriers, which are easier to mechanise. These consist of barriers each side of the track which block the full width of the road and had two red lights that alternatively flashed, as well as an audible alarm or bell. In 1955 various European automatic crossings were visited and checked by two inspecting officers and two road engineers from the Ministry of Transport, as well as two officers from the British Transport Commission visited 46 crossings in 10 days in three countries. The report was signed on 14 March 1957, and automatic and automated crossings came into use, with the first automatically operated level crossing commencing operation at Spath near Uttoxeter in Staffordshire in May 1961.[7] Automatic half-barrier crossings later came into being after another enquiry abroad in 1963, consisting of a single arm each side of the road, which block only oncoming traffic leaving the exits clear for trapped occupants. Half barriers were considered to have an advantage as they have a lesser closure time and do not require to be interlocked with signals, but cases where impatient motorists have driven around the barriers have raised safety concerns. On lightly-used railways such as the Heart of Wales Line, many crossings are sited next to station stops or other stopping points, and were made to be crew operated. The guard pushes a plunger to operate the crossing, and on completion of the crossing sequence, the train can cross. These trainman operated crossings (TMOs) still exist today.

After the Hixon rail crash, it became clear that more warnings were needed for large vehicles at AHBs. The vehicle in question (carrying a large electrical transformer), despite being escorted by police, was struck by a train whilst crossing the tracks at 2 miles per hour (3.2 km/h) on an AHB installed a year before. The changes made to AHBs were additional signage, telephones to signal boxes and the addition of a preliminary amber light to the pair of red lights at all crossings (plus a now defunct 'Another train coming' illuminated box; now just a piece of signage is needed). This made AHBs much safer and less liable to accidents, although some have still occurred since then.

The Automatic Open Crossing (now known as AOCL, with the L standing for Locally monitored) was introduced in 1963. These have no barriers and have an indicator light to show correct working. The first to be installed was at Yafforth in North Yorkshire in 1963. These crossings were cheaper than installing AHBs and were much suited to quiet country lanes, which is why many more were installed in the 70s, albeit destined to be replaced by AOCRs (Automatic Open Crossing Remotely monitored) as they had a greater line speed potential and were even cheaper than AOCLs. The first of these to be installed was at Naas crossing near Lydney, Gloucestershire in 1979. These continued to be installed until the Lockington rail crash occurred in 1986, which saw the demise of this type of crossing with nearly all AOCRs being upgraded to AHBs. Only two remain in the UK at present.

Since then, more upgrades have happened and the use of CCTV (and the use of obstacle detection systems since 2013) has increased. The Ufton Nervet rail crash in 2004 was an eye-opener for many people involved with level crossings and since then crossings have been closed or upgraded; most notably AOCLs being upgraded to Automatic Barrier Crossing Locally monitored (ABCL) status. In 2009 after the Halkirk crossing crash in Scotland, it was seen that the AOCLs on the network were the most dangerous crossing and a scheme to eradicate them was put forward. In order to do it quickly and cheaply, the full conversion to ABCL status was not done, and instead the simple addition of barriers to create an AOCL+B was the go to option. Upgrades and closures still continue into the future.


After the Ufton Nervet rail crash, there have been increased efforts to review the placing of level crossings and to eliminate them where this is practicable. In the UK it has also been suggested that cameras similar to the type used to detect drivers who run traffic lights be deployed at level crossings, and that penalties for ignoring signals should be much more severe.

British Transport Police typically prosecute motorists who jump the barriers, for either trespass or failing to conform with a traffic signal. A particular problem has been that the responsibility for road safety at crossings is entirely outside the control of the railways. In 2006 there were legal proposals to permit Network Rail to be involved in the road side safety of crossings. This would allow the introduction of anti-slip surfaces and also barriers to prevent motorists driving around crossing arms and, it is hoped, reduce the number of crossing-related deaths.

Network Rail is pursuing a policy of closing level crossings at the rate of over 100 a year in the interests of safety, and replacing them with road bridges or footbridges.[8] The number of level crossings on rail lines controlled by Network Rail went from 7,937 in 2003-04[9] to 6,322 on 19 January 2014,[10] and 5,948 by 2016.[11]

For the episode of British motoring television programme Top Gear on 25 February 2007, Network Rail staged an incident in which a locomotive was driven into a Renault Espace at around 80 miles per hour (130 km/h) at a level crossing at Hibaldstow, Lincolnshire to graphically illustrate the dangers of "running the risk" (see British Rail Class 31 in the media).

Equipment at level crossings

Level Crossings in Britain use a variety of different equipment to stop any traffic when an oncoming train crosses:

Types of crossings

MG - Manually controlled Gates

These crossings are the traditional type, with some wooden (or, later, metal) gates that protect the railway from vehicles when closed, and shut off each side of the railway to vehicles and animals when open. They were on every crossing until technology upgraded the equipment available. Some crossings still have gates, either hand operated or operated by a wheel. Despite blocking the railway off entirely, there have been virtually no accidents at gated crossings, with the last being at Lingwood, Norfolk[12] in which a railhead treatment train crashed into the gates at a crossing in the village.

MCB - Manually Controlled Barriers

This type of crossing has lights and alarms that operate when closing, and full-width barriers that shut the entire road off to traffic. 125 mph (200 km/h) is the maximum line speed on these lines (including 140 mph (230 km/h) over crossings on the line between Peterborough and Grantham). The crossing is controlled by an adjacent signalbox, or in the case of an MCBR (Manually Controlled Barriers Remotely monitored), a signalbox no less than 12 mile (1 km) in clear sight of the crossing. Two examples of this type of crossing are at Saxmundham, Suffolk and Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire). There are some exceptions, in that some crossings may not have skirts hanging down from the barriers (e.g. Newhaven, East Sussex), or in the case of the crossings at Deganwy, Conwy, Wales, and Britannia slipway near Kingswear, Devon, the crossing may have three barriers. Another special exception recently brought into use is at Redcar, North Yorkshire, where the electric gates were replaced with sliding telescopic gates, to overcome problems caused by wind.

MCB-CCTV - Manually Controlled Barriers with Closed Circuit Television

These crossings are controlled from a signaller via CCTV cameras mounted close to the crossing. They work in the same way as MCB crossings with the bonus of video evidence in the case of incidents or accidents. These crossings have replaced redundant signal boxes on various lines across the country.

MCB-OD - Manually Controlled Barriers with Obstacle Detection

These crossings are MCBs with the addition of obstacle detection equipment, developed and tested at a level crossing at Filey, North Yorkshire, in 2012. These use LIDAR, radar and cameras to detect if the crossing is blocked by any vehicle, and cameras to record number plates. They also include lasers and reflectors to scan the crossing and see if it is blocked. These crossings are becoming common on some lines, such as the East Coastway Line and the Peterborough to Lincoln Line. The systems have also been trialled with the new S60 barriers, similar to the type used in America, which use electrics rather than hydraulics (but these barriers will not be standardised).

MCB-OC - Manually Controlled Barrier crossing On Call

These crossings are exactly the same as MCB-CCTV crossings except the barriers stay down with the lights off. When road users wants to cross, they have to press a button to notify the signaller, who will raise the barriers if there is no train. There are only a handful of these in the UK, one being at Barnetby, Lincolnshire.

AHBC - Automatic Half Barrier Crossing

The first crossing of this type in the UK was installed in the town of Spath, near Uttoxeter in Staffordshire, and began operating on 5 February 1961. These crossings have two half-barriers that block the entrance lanes to the crossing, as well as lights and audible alarms. They are entirely independent and do not interlock with signals, although they are monitored by a signaller to check for any failures. In existence since the first automatic crossings, they are common on back lanes, but are becoming less common at stations, because they are not as safe as a MCB crossing. 100 miles per hour (160 km/h) is the maximum line speed over these crossings and only a maximum of two lines can be crossed. Network Rail is trying to make AHBCs safer by adding the brand of speaking E2S alarms to crossings, in order to alert drivers and persons using the crossing of second trains approaching, as many drivers become impatient at these crossings.

AOCL - Automatic Open Crossing Locally monitored

These are crossing with no barriers, but with lights and an audible alarm. They are fitted with a white light so that the driver has to check that the crossing is operating correctly. However, they are not particularly safe and are declining numbers because many have had barriers added.

AOCR - Automatic Open Crossing Remotely monitored

These crossings were popular in the early 1980s when they were created, because they lowered costs due to the lack of barriers, and they could be used on country lanes. Acting in the same way as an AHBC, they do not interlock with signals and they had a 100 miles per hour (160 km/h) line speed. After the Lockington rail crash, their demise began, and now only two still exist; one each in England and Scotland at Pickering (North Yorkshire) and near Keith (Moray) respectively.

ABCL - Automatic Barrier Crossing Locally monitored

These crossings were a complete upgrade of AOCLs, and are AHBCs with a drivers indicator light, with the addition of barriers and the relevant signage. They are not increasing in numbers because they are too costly to build and the more favoured option (AOCL+B) has prevailed. New ABCL crossings without the signage of previous ABCLs have started to be added to the national network, because they seem to be equivalent if not better than an AHB, being checked by drivers.

AOCL+B - Automatic Open Crossing Locally monitored + Barriers

These have existed since 2013, the first being at Ardrossan, North Ayrshire, and are the cheap version of the ABCL. In an AOCL upgrade, only barriers are added. They can be recognised by the alarm switching off before the barriers rise once a train has passed.

TMO - Trainman Operated Crossing

On small branch lines (e.g. Cambrian Line), these crossings prevail as they are operated by the driver or the guard of a train wanting to cross a road. A button by a signal or stop board is the activator. They have full or half barriers and road traffic lights.

MWL - Miniature Warning Light crossing

These crossings are basically farm crossings, incorporating a small set of red and green lights in order to alert users of approaching trains, rather than them having to decide for themselves if it is safe to cross.


The open crossing only really exists on underused lanes on lines with low rail traffic. With a speed limit of 5 miles per hour (8 km/h) and no lights or barriers/gates, these are rare, and are only marked by the signage and the St Andrew's Cross.

UWC - User Worked Crossing

The most common type of crossing on the railway network (around 2/3 of the total) and also the most basic type. These are either a footpath crossing, a crossing with gates and instructions, or a crossing with a telephone to the nearest signalbox. In order to cross safely, users must read the instructions and comply with them.

See also


  1. "Rail level crossings discouraged". BBC. 7 November 2004.
  2. Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, s.48
  3. Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845
  4. Attorney General v London & North Western Railway Co [1900] 1 QB 78
  5. The requirement that trains travel at 4mph across some level crossings was abolished by the Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933, Sch 3.
  6. Goodman, Michael (1977). "Railways in the Law Reports" (PDF). Trent Law Journal. 1 (1): 47.
  7. "New Summary: Automatic "Gates" Britain's first automatically operated level crossing barriers are now in operation at Spath Level Crossing near Uttoxeter. The barriers, electronically operated by an approaching train, consist of a single pole fixed each side of the road only, and are conspicuously marked with red and white bands. Additional warning is given by flashing red lights and audible alarms.". Practical Motorist. 7 (81): 957. May 1961.
  8. "Level crossings". Network Rail. 2014. Retrieved 27 June 2015.
  9. "Railways: level crossings" (PDF). House of Commons Library. 26 January 2012. Retrieved 27 June 2015.
  10. "Annual Safety Performance Report 2013-14" (PDF). Rail Safety Standards Board. 2 July 2014. Retrieved 27 June 2015.
  11. "Annual Safety Performance Report 2015-16" (PDF). Rail Safety Standards Board. 1 July 2016. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-32230752
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