911: In Plane Site

911: In Plane Site

DVD coverart
Directed by William Lewis
Produced by Dave vonKleist, William Lewis
Written by Dave vonKleist
Power Hour Productions
Distributed by BridgeStoneMediaGroup.com
Release date
  • 2004 (2004)
Running time
72 minutes
Country United States
Language English

911: In Plane Site: Director’s Cut is a 2004 documentary which promotes 9/11 conspiracy theories. Photographs and video footage from the September 11 attacks are presented and the documentary claims that the public was not given all of the facts surrounding the terrorist attack.


The films ask a series of leading questions about 9/11 conspiracy theories. Despite the film's assertions that "a jetliner is too large to fit into the hole made in The Pentagon," others have refuted this claim[1] by showing that a hole of over 90 feet (27 m) in width was made on the first floor. Films such as In Plane Site and Loose Change only refer to the smaller hole on the second floor.

Others point out that the wall collapsed half an hour after whatever impact occurred, and only then was the hole bigger than 16ft.


A short review in The Portland Mercury says of In Plane Site, "it features both an exceedingly annoying crackpot theorist and outlandish, unsubstantiated allegations about blurrily pixelized photos that don't really show anything".[2]

Another review at Heraldextra.com states, "Nor does the presentation explain, if the attack planes were military, what happened to the commercial planes. It hints that they might have been shot down over the ocean. The trouble is that they weren't necessarily over the ocean. And who remembers an Atlantic crash of an airliner where debris such as luggage did not wash up all up and down the Eastern seaboard? If airliners went down in the sea, the secret could not have been kept for long. It's fine to be entertained by this stuff, even if it is a bit morbid. But let's not lose our senses."[3] In the documentary vonKleist says the purpose of the documentary was not to provide explanations, but to raise questions:

"You know, there are those that see these pictures and hear this information for the first time. They inevitably ask the question, "Well if the plane didn't hit the Pentagon, where did it go?" The answer is, I don't know where it went. For all I know, it could be sitting in 200 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean. But then again, I didn't say that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. That was [the mainstream media]. The question should be, if Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, then where is it?"[4]

Television coverage

See also


  1. ERROR:'The Pentagon Attack Left Only a Small Impact Hole'
  2. portlandmercury.com review
  3. heraldextra.com review
  4. Dave vonKleist and William Lewis (2004). In Plane Sight.
  5. "Labor attacks Ten over 9/11 documentary". Archived from the original on 2008-01-05. Retrieved 2006-09-23. Ninemsn.com news article.

Criticism of In Plane Site

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