593 (number)

592 593 594
Cardinal five hundred ninety-three
Ordinal 593rd
(five hundred ninety-third)
Factorization prime
Prime yes
Roman numeral DXCIII
Binary 10010100012
Ternary 2102223
Quaternary 211014
Quinary 43335
Senary 24256
Octal 11218
Duodecimal 41512
Hexadecimal 25116
Vigesimal 19D20
Base 36 GH36

593 is the natural number following 592 and preceding 594.

In mathematics

593 is an odd number. It is a prime number, an example of what Paul Erdős and Ernst G. Straus called a Good prime, or a prime whose square is greater than the product of its neighboring two primes. As such it is part of sequence A028388 at the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.[1] Justin Smith calls 593 a right prime because it remains prime after dropping any number of digits from the right: 593, 59, and 5 are all prime.[2] It is a Sophie Germain prime, the sum of seven consecutive primes (71 + 73 + 79 + 83 + 89 + 97 + 101), the sum of nine consecutive primes (47 + 53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 83), and an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part.

593 is also notable for being the sum of 92 + 29 (thus a Leyland number).


  1. Search 593 in sequence A028388 from Sloane's
  2. Calculus Challenge

See also

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