Terasecond and longer

A terasecond (symbol: Ts) is 1 trillion (1 × 1012) seconds, or roughly 31,710 years. This page lists time spans above 1 terasecond.



1 thousand teraseconds (or 1 quadrillion seconds) is called a petasecond, and is equal to about 32 million years.


1 million teraseconds (or 1 quintillion seconds) is called an exasecond, and is equal to 32 billion years, or roughly twice the age of the universe at current estimates (the universe is currently thought to be a bit less than 14 billion years old).


1 billion teraseconds (or 1 sextillion seconds) is called a zettasecond and is equal to roughly 32 trillion years.

Yottaseconds and beyond

1 trillion teraseconds (or 1 septillion seconds) is called a yottasecond (Ys) and is equal to roughly 32 quadrillion (or 3.2×1016) years

See also


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